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Feature Request: "Duplicate" command

Does a way exist to copy/paste an entry in 1P? For example, I enter in the data for my credit card. I then want to create basically the same information for my wife's credit card from the same provider. The only way I have found to do that is reenter all the same information. If I could copy/paste my entry then I could simply change the fields that are different.



  • 1Password for Windows currently does not include a Duplicate command, though I hope it will in a future release.

    For now, you'll need to create a new item and copy individual fields from the existing item to the new one.

    We apologize for the inconvenience, Mike.
  • I am also need copy function. I get accustomed when used Password Agent from Moon Software. It's easy way to make different L/P for the same site. Now I need to pass through many steps (create new item, copy title, paste it, copy location, paste it & so on) to get similar item, but with other L/P.
  • Thanks for letting us know that would be useful to you, EIKA!
  • BarryTheSprout
    BarryTheSprout Junior Member
    Is this any closer to being a feature than it was in July 2011? I could really use it when adding new Accounts, when only the username and pwd differ from another fully populated entry (mainly email accounts)
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    We don't normally pre-announce products or features, but I will definitely pass your vote for this along to the developers.

    If we can be of further assistance in the meantime, please let us know. We are always here to help!