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iBank Application Extension Not Working

This is very weird, my iBank application extension for 1Password has stopped working. It worked fine last night, but this morning something seems to have changed. I did notice that my computer was locked up though and I had to do a hard reboot. Here is what my console is saying:

6/4/11 9:54:46 AM 1PasswordAgent[549] (Information) Activating iBank extension '/Users/nickclements/Library/Application Support/1Password/Extensions/31040/WebKitExtension.bundle'

6/4/11 9:54:49 AM iBank[605] reloadAllObjects

6/4/11 9:54:49 AM iBank[605] Trying to load Localizable.strings [English] from the main bundle

6/4/11 9:54:49 AM iBank[605] Cannot find English version, using English localization for Localizable.strings

6/4/11 9:54:49 AM iBank[605] Trying to load English version of Localizable.strings. from the main bundle

6/4/11 9:54:49 AM iBank[605] Failed to load '/Applications/'

6/4/11 9:54:49 AM iBank[605] Database (AGHtmlDatabase:file://localhost/Users/nickclements/Documents/Dropbox/Sync/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain/) load time [Cache]: 0.049+0.004 (458 objects)

6/4/11 9:55:20 AM iBank[605] Trying to load UnlockKeychain.strings [English] from the main bundle

6/4/11 9:55:20 AM iBank[605] Cannot find English version, using English localization for UnlockKeychain.strings

6/4/11 9:55:20 AM iBank[605] Trying to load English version of UnlockKeychain.strings. from the main bundle

6/4/11 9:55:20 AM iBank[605] Failed to load '/Applications/'

Is there a special way to reset something in the 1PasswordAgent to try and fix this? Is it a permissions problem?


  • Fooligan
    edited June 2011
    Never mind, I got it to work. For some reason it was only my credit union account that wasn't working. I deleted the old 1Password record and re-created a new version that now works again. My CU recently merged with another institution and we have anew web site. I think they may be changing things in the background.
  • [quote name='Fooligan' timestamp='1307204166' post='28491']

    Never mind, I got it to work. For some reason it was only my credit union account that wasn't working. I deleted the old 1Password record and re-created a new version that now works again. My CU recently merged with another institution and we have anew web site. I think they may be changing things in the background.



    Thanks for the follow up. I'm sure someone else will benefit from your posts.

    By the way, I've noticed that you figure out the fixes to most of issues all by yourself. Nice work!

  • Thanks. 1P is personally my favorite app, so I tinker around with it enough that I usually figure it out. It is makes me wish that I got into computer science instead of chemical engineering. I enjoy what little programming I get to do in my day job. I can imagine it is fun working on projects like this.