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Suggestion Secondary password

benfdc Perspective Giving Member
edited December 1969 in Mac
My wife would like to be able to set up two passwords to her keychain and give me the secondary password for use in an emergency, or if she were to become incapacitated.

She could just give me her password, of course, but this would give me unrestricted and unmonitored access She wants the program to alert her, the next time that she opens 1P, that her keychain had been accessed via the secondary password. Some luggage locks have a "tamper" indicator to show whether the lock has been opened with a TSA key. Same idea.

Trust but verify, or something like that.

Multi-level software passwords are not uncommon. I believe that the enterprise version of PGP lets the employer keep a "skeleton key." Spreadsheets can have two passwords, one to open a file and another one used to protect fields. Etc. PDF files can be restricted (no copying, no printing, etc.)

I can imagine any number of limitations that one might want to place on a secondary password. No ability to modify a keychain, no access or limited access to preference panes, perhaps an option to block exports, etc. For my wife, the important function is the alert function.

Ben F


  • [Deleted User]
    edited December 1969
    Hi Ben,

    Thanks for the suggestion, it's something that I know a number of users have requested in the past. I think it's a very interesting idea but I can't say for certain if it's something we'd be able to implement at this time. Of course I'll certainly pass this on to our developers and add your vote for the idea of a secondary password for accessing 1Password data.

    Thanks again for the feedback, we really do appreciate it!