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Kind of silly off-topic question

TommyD Junior Member
edited December 1969 in Knox
Hi, I'm new to mac and just figuring out how to configure my mac. When looking at the picture of the Knox site ([url][/url]) I see some menubar icons and a "time display" which i really like but cannot figure out how to get it on my mac. I think it is an app? I figured out Textexpander and Dropbox which are really cool helper. But what are the other tools, could someone give me a hint -- since the two apps mentioned above are so helpful i don't want to miss, what the other things are. Could you give me the names of ALL of them which are seen on this snapshot?





  • Nik
    edited December 1969
    Welcome to the forums, Tom! We're happy to help you with this. From left to right, the icons represent:

    [url=]Knox[/url], [url=]LittleSnapper[/url], [url=]Linkinus[/url], a custom [url=]Adium[/url] icon, [url=]Snippet[/url], [url=]Dropbox[/url], [url=]TextExpander[/url], and [url=]iStat Menus[/url] (the fuzzy clock).