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Can I view all passwords in the column view?


I thought I could do this before, but maybe I was dreaming, I cant find it anymore...

Basically I want to change all Logins that use one of my passwords. So I need to see a list of all passwords in the column view. But the option is not there. Is this possible?

I don't see why not because I can see each one individually on the right when I click it, so it cant be a security issue. It just means at the moment I have to click on every single login to view the password which would take ages, whereas in the list it would help speed it up dramatically, especially if I can sort it by password.



  • Oh, if this is not available and therefore a feature request, maybe for security you could password protect the ability to view passwords in column view or something, at least its an option to turn it on and off. I would turn it off right after I finish my password updates.

    I suppose at the moment I can export the list as a Text file and open it in Excel if I am not doing this process often, but thought having the ability to easily see them means we can review what passwords we use and where often.
  • Hello amityweb!

    When I first started using 1P, you can imagine that I had a lot of duplicate passwords to change. I found the following method to be the easiest way to find them: [URL][/URL]

    In the mean time, please also consider sorting your passwords by password strength to quickly prioritize your password changes. You can either sort by password strength in the Traditional or Widescreen layout (View > Layout) or, as mentioned in the aforelinked blog post, create a Smart Folder with "Password Strength" as a search criteria.

