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Licensing question

My iMac is suffering from some serious screen defects, so today I ordered a new 8 Core Mac Pro tower, which should be here by the end of the week.

I would like to run 10.7 when it becomes available, however past experienced suggests that major new releases of an OS can lead to problems with existing software, so I had a plan in the short term at least to have two partitions and I would install 1Password along with all my other main software once with 10.6 and again in the 10.7 partition. Would that create any kind of licensing issue? Would I have to remove 1Password on my old Mac?

Also I wondered if there are any particular points to consider when migrating 1Password from one computer to another?




  • Hi Ashley,

    Sorry to hear about your iMac's screen issues, but the new Mac Pro sounds fantastic, I'll admit to being slightly jealous.

    So, first of all, today's 3.6.0 release of 1Password adds initial support for Lion, there are a few things we need to work on, so it's at an early stage, but 1Password will be ready for Lion when it launches next month.

    In terms of licensing, we license 1Password for Mac to you as a person, not your computer, so you can install 1Password on as many Macs, or installs of OS X, as you like with just a single-user license. I do this myself right now as my audio-recording gear isn't ready for Lion, so I have to switch back to Snow Leopard form the Lion Developer Preview to record my podcast.

    In terms of migrating the data, the easiest way is to setup Dropbox syncing on your current setup and then just let 1Password use the same data file in Dropbox across all installs of 1Password as we detail here:

    Hope that helps,

    [quote name='ashleyk' timestamp='1308608238' post='29682']

    My iMac is suffering from some serious screen defects, so today I ordered a new 8 Core Mac Pro tower, which should be here by the end of the week.

    I would like to run 10.7 when it becomes available, however past experienced suggests that major new releases of an OS can lead to problems with existing software, so I had a plan in the short term at least to have two partitions and I would install 1Password along with all my other main software once with 10.6 and again in the 10.7 partition. Would that create any kind of licensing issue? Would I have to remove 1Password on my old Mac?

    Also I wondered if there are any particular points to consider when migrating 1Password from one computer to another?



  • [Deleted User]
    edited 2011 20
    Hello Ashley,

    Congratulations on your new purchase! I'm jealous!

    For those wishing to read AgileBits' licensing policy, it can be found here: [url=""]AgileBits Software Licenses[/url]

    For you, the important message is:

    [quote]Our software is licensed per person per [b]platform[/b]. Each user and each [b]platform[/b] requires a license.[/quote]

    Mac OS X is considered a [b]platform[/b]. If you've purchased a 1Password for Mac license, you can use 1P on as many Macs as you own...provided [b]you [/b]are the only user.

    By creating two partitions on [s]my[/s] your dream machine, essentially, you are turning one Mac into two Macs. You are within AB's licensing policy to install 1P on both partitions!

    Regarding migration from one computer to another, or, in your case, adding 1P to a separate partition, please review the following 1P help article: [url=""]Setting Up a New Mac[/url]

    I've used the two partition approach in the past, and I just copied my 1Password data file ([i]1Password.agilekeychain[/i]) to the new partition and opened it with my new 1P installation. If you plan to sync the same data to both copies of 1P, Dropbox syncing is the recommended solution.

    Please review the help article and let us know if you have any questions or problems with your new setup.


  • ashleyk
    edited 2011 21
    Thanks to both of you and sorry for the late reply. I had forgotten to watch the topic so I hadn't received any email notification of the answers. The licensing policy at 1Password certainly makes things easier to manage and I'll bookmark this thread for future reference when the time comes.

    Unfortunately many software companies make it it a good deal harder to manage something like this and I'm thinking in particular of those who will only allow software to work through activation and worse still just one activation per computer... I spoke yesterday with Adobe and it's looking like the idea of installing their software on two separate partitions will be a pain in the neck. My main concern is for older but expensive software I have that may be broken by the 10.7 upgrade like Episode Pro 5.3.2, so I shall try and force myself to wait a short while for feedback from others, though chances are I'll break down and upgrade on day one just like with the previous seven versions. Given the brilliance of OS X I can't understand why it has never had a compatibility mode like they have in Windows enabling older software to be run on newer systems without breaking.

    Unbelievably my old G5 tower packed up yesterday and it looks like the logic board has gone so I'm feeling a bit shell shocked by all the recent upheaval. It looks like the G5 is toast and while the iMac is OK still for typing forum posts like this I can't use it for my main work as a photographer. I gather the cost of a new screen is higher than the value of the machine so I am not sure yet what will happen there but judging by past experience second computers never get looked at when I have a fast new machine. Having spoken to lots of people with iMacs they are all reporting some kind of screen defects developing after a year or two and I think heat problems are common, which is why I went for a tower this time. The newest iMacs launched last month may be better but there is no way of telling at this stage.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    We try to make your life easier not only when it comes to security, but when it comes to licensing as well. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';-)' />

    I wish we could control some other companies' licensing policies. There are definitely a few I would like to change as well.

    The "huge" software packages are always the slowest ones to be updated for a new release. It kind of makes sense considering how much code they have to tweak compared to some smaller applications.

    [quote]Given the brilliance of OS X I can't understand why it has never had a compatibility mode like they have in Windows enabling older software to be run on newer systems without breaking. [/quote]

    You are on to something with these two points: OS X's brilliance and Windows' legacy support. The two seem to be at odds with each other. The more legacy support you keep around, the harder it is to move forward with the state of the art.

    I can't speak to your particular situation, but take a look at [url=""]Marco Arment's post on iMac vs Mac Pro[/url] if you haven't already taken the plunge. It is good food for thought.
  • Thanks Khad, that was an interesting article and I had never seriously considered a laptop for my main work tool but I can see the logic for most people. The only weak point for me would be the rather restricted amount of Ram they can currently handle, which doesn't really take advantage of 64 bit processing for large image files and HD video, whereas I was amazed to see at OWC that this tower can take an astonishing 96 gigs of ram... The Mac Pro I ordered was dispatched this morning and should be here tomorrow, so I'll just have to clear some space in the office and make room. Carrying it to meetings may not be terribly convenient but it sure would get me fit <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/emoticon-0156-muscle.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='(muscle)' />

    I know you guys are justifiably accustomed to receiving positive feedback from customers but for me 1Password is clearly the most obvious "must have" software product available for Mac users today. Apart from the huge practical advantage of real data security it's something I genuinely use countless times every day and while there are some excellent companies dedicated to developing software for Macs I don't think any of them can quite equal Agile for support and putting their customers first. The licensing policy is yet another good example of this philosophy.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [quote]Carrying it to meetings may not be terribly convenient but it sure would get me fit [/quote]

    <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' /> Awesome attitude!

    Thank you so much for your incredibly kind words. I am sharing them with the rest of the team right now. It's stuff like that which gives us the boost we need to keep going each day. We try to share with each other as many of these kinds of sentiments from our kick-ass customers as we can.

    We really do have the smartest, most attractive customers on the planet. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_bigsmile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-D' />
  • [Deleted User]
    edited 2011 22

    (I've been waiting to do that for a long, long time! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' />)
  • The new Mac arrived and after doing the system update to 10.6.7 1Password was the first application I installed so that I have all the information I need at hand. The only slightly confusing part I found was that after transferring the 1Password folder from the iMac to the new machine I started 1Password and located the import file from the desktop which created data within the application support folder but it was missing the fill folder and the agile.keychain. It didn't look right, so I just did a drag & drop from the items on the desktop and it all seems fine.
  • Ashley,

    Thanks for updating the thread! Glad to hear that the new Mac arrived in one piece and that you are up and running!

    Thanks to you, I visited the Apple Store today and drooled over an 8 Core Mac Pro tower!

    Nonetheless, I'm happy to hear that you figured out a solution to your initial problem. Please let us know if you encounter any additional issues.

