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Palm OS support no longer available in 3.6.0

benfdc Perspective Giving Member
As a 3.6 beta tester, I was made painfully aware of the fact that the capability to export some or all keychain entries to a Palm / Treo database was being dropped from the newest, Snow Leopard-only release of 1P/Mac.

However, there is no mention of this in the 3.6 release notes, so 1P/Mac users who rely on this functionality are in for an unpleasant surprise.

Many of them are going to waste a lot of time, and face a lot of frustration, troubleshooting, researching, and then uninstalling 3.6 in order to be able to reinstall 3.5. It'll be more tech support work for you as well.

Boo, hiss.

My suggestion: do penance for your sin, and make a few of us miserable souls happy, by adding Palm Export back into 3.6.1 <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' /> Failing that, at least correct the release notes!!

--Your loyal (albeit cranky) customer, Ben F


  • Hi Ben,

    I'm sorry about this, we should have mentioned this in the release notes and I've passed this along to the team to see if we can correct it.

    As much as you won't like this answer, we won't be bringing support for the old Palm OS back to 1Password 3.6.0. The idea was to make 1Password a lean, mean, password filling machine and so we had to ditch some of the excess weight along the way. Don't hear me wrong on this, Palm OS was an amazing platform, I used to love my Tungsten T2, but in reality it is a long dead platform, with Palm now being part of HP and webOS being the 'wave of the future' it made sense for this to be one of the extra features that got removed.

    We'll always keep the older versions of 1Password available for users who really need this functionality, or for Leopard users still on PowerPC Macs or Intel users who for some crazy reason haven't updated to Snow Leopard.

    Now, if you'll excuse me, I have some penance to do... 'Hallowed is the HotSync... Hallowed is the HotSync'....

    Seriously though, sorry for the frustration Ben, we really do appreciate your feedback and your loyalty.

    [quote name='benfdc' timestamp='1308658586' post='29741']

    As a 3.6 beta tester, I was made painfully aware of the fact that the capability to export some or all keychain entries to a Palm / Treo database was being dropped from the newest, Snow Leopard-only release of 1P/Mac.

    However, there is no mention of this in the 3.6 release notes, so 1P/Mac users who rely on this functionality are in for an unpleasant surprise.

    Many of them are going to waste a lot of time, and face a lot of frustration, troubleshooting, researching, and then uninstalling 3.6 in order to be able to reinstall 3.5. It'll be more tech support work for you as well.

    Boo, hiss.

    My suggestion: do penance for your sin, and make a few of us miserable souls happy, by adding Palm Export back into 3.6.1 <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' /> Failing that, at least correct the release notes!!

    --Your loyal (albeit cranky) customer, Ben F

  • benfdc
    benfdc Perspective Giving Member
    [quote name='stu' timestamp='1308660119' post='29743']

    Hi Ben,

    I'm sorry about this, we should have mentioned this in the release notes and I've passed this along to the team to see if we can correct it.



    As I've noted in other posts, dropping Palm from a Snow Leopard-and-up release of 1P/Mac is understandable given that Snow Leopard itself eliminated all support for Palm Sync. I do wish that File > Export Selected > Palm/Treo could be added to 1P/Win, but I am resigned to the fact that that wish ain't gonna be granted.