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1Pass and Basic Auth in borwsers

edited June 2011 in Windows
<div class="IPBDescription">Any way to get it work?</div>Hello AgileBits!

Any way to get work login and password filling for Basic Auth windows of browsers? They are appears on protected web site directories, on web interfaces of routers/NAS in LAN & etc. Here is Basic Auth window example from Chrome (router in my LAN):


I've tried to fill L/P in Basic Auth windows in Chrome, IE9 and Firefox 5. And can't get it work. More details:

Chrome 12 can determine correspondent 1 Pass item by IP address:


Firefox 5 can NOT:


IE9 also can NOT:


They are both don't see that I do have item with Location

And after I try manual choosing of item (by going Go and Fill Login) 1 Pass enсouters (only if I use FF5 or IE9):


But not when I use Chrome!

Looks like Basic Auth is not supported at all and that Chrome extension sometimes can be better that Big Brothers from IE/FF.


  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    [quote name='EIKA' timestamp='1309171407' post='30498']

    Any way to get work login and password filling for Basic Auth windows of browsers?


    This is why we have Auto-Type:
  • EIKA
    edited June 2011
    [quote name='Stefan von Dutch' timestamp='1309174938' post='30504']

    This is why we have Auto-Type:


    [i]You can even use it with programs that aren’t web browsers.[/i]

    My question is about web browsers. Basic Auth window is Win32 object, but appeared from web pages. I.e. you know Location (URL) and can automatically determine appropriate 1 Pass item to fill. Just like is usual web form. Correct me if I am wrong, please.
  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    edited June 2011
    [quote name='EIKA' timestamp='1309175567' post='30505']

    My question is about web browsers. Basic Auth window is Win32 object, but appeared from web pages. I.e. you know Location (URL) and can automatically determine appropriate 1 Pass item to fill. Just like is usual web form. Correct me if I am wrong, please.


    We do not support HTTP authentication windows (yet). Auto-Type solves this problem.
  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    edited June 2011
    [quote name='EIKA' timestamp='1309175567' post='30505']

    [i]You can even use it with programs that aren’t web browsers.[/i]

    My question is about web browsers. Basic Auth window is Win32 object, but appeared from web pages. I.e. you know Location (URL) and can automatically determine appropriate 1 Pass item to fill. Just like is usual web form. Correct me if I am wrong, please.


    Hi EIKA,

    The auto-type feature can also be used with the web browser as well as the Basic Auth prompts. Here’s a screenshot:


    Use the auto-type button on the 1Password app’s toolbar to fill into those fields. If the username has been filled by Windows, you’d need to clear the username before doing this.
  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    [quote name='MikeT' timestamp='1309410029' post='30725']

    Put your mouse cursor in the username, then switch to 1Password to pick the right field to “auto-type” and then tell it to select the prompt that has the title name matching the basic auth prompt’s title as you can see in this screenshot above. Then put your cursor in the password, repeat the process again.


    When you click the Auto-Type button on the 1Password toolbar, then there is no need to repeat the process. Auto-Type will fill both your username and your password.
  • Mike,

    Yes, I do know this feature. But I want automatic filling for Basic Auth windows. Because it's more convenient, requires less steps. Chrome extension automatically determines proper item to fill, but can't do filling.
  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    edited June 2011
    [quote name='EIKA' timestamp='1309416407' post='30734']


    Yes, I do know this feature. But I want automatic filling for Basic Auth windows. Because it's more convenient, requires less steps. Chrome extension automatically determines proper item to fill, but can't do filling.

    [/quote]Hi EIKA,

    It’s not that we don’t want to do this, we need support on the other end to do this. Majority of the browsers do not have such an API for us to work with the Basic/HTTP Auth prompts. From what we heard, they do want to support it in the future but we weren’t given any timeframes. The auto-type function is our best solution for something like this.
  • [quote name='MikeT' timestamp='1309437258' post='30742']

    The auto-type function is our best solution for something like this.


    ...and so well liked that we expect to see it in some future version of 1Password for Mac. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />