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Feature Request: Drop-Down Boxes at Login

Any chance we will see expanded field support in future releases of the program?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, isd503!

    I'm not quite certain I understand what you mean by "Drop-down boxes at Login" and "expanded field support." Could you give me an example or explain it a bit further? Right now, 1Password will automatically save all the correct fields from a login page in your browser regardless of how many or what they are called. If you are not prompted to save a login automatically, you can manually save the login from within your browser which will also "learn" the field names on the login page:

    1. Enter your username and password, but DO NOT submit the form.

    2. Click the 1Password button in your browser's toolbar, and choose Save Login.

    3. Set the Action field to Create New Login (or to Replace <login-name>, to update an existing Login item).

    4. Click the Save button.

    [url=""]Custom templates[/url] for [i]non-Login[/i] items (like Account and Wallet items) are also a much-requested feature that we are still looking into.

    If you are still having trouble, please do provide some more details (including your Mac OS X version, browser name, and browser version).
