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1Password errors in IE

edited 2011 06 in Windows
<div class="IPBDescription">IE denying access to frame</div>Recently upgraded to latest version of 1P and am getting a number of IE Errors:

1) IE is denying access to a frame because it is on some other domain

This happens when trying to login to gmail. I believe it happens because the gmail page opens in the context of a specific account (I have a number) and is expecting a password only; probably because I shut it down without logging out first, but then I've always done that. This happens notwithstanding I clear IE's cache including cookies (which of itself is a worry...not your problem I know).

2) An error occured while navigating to (name of website). Re-starting your web browser might correct this problem

Again, I suspect this is because I close IE without logging out of the site mentioned. Re-starting the browser has no effect. Essentially then 1P becomes unusable with IE until I restart my system.

I constantly login via the same URL using different credentials (different clients); I haven't changed work practices and this hasn't been a problem until now. It doesn't occur with Firefox or Chrome

I am using 1P Version and IE 9.0.8112.16421




  • newbietoo
    edited 2011 06
    I created this thread July 4, but since then, things have deteriorated. I am now getting occasional IE hangs as well, which means I have to crash IE, which is real inconvenient so 1P is a liability. I've gone back to Roboform
  • newbietoo
    edited 2011 08
    Is there anyone out there? Time was when Agile used to respond to anyone from there still looking in here?
  • [Deleted User]
    edited 2011 08
    [quote name='newbietoo' timestamp='1310177977' post='31544']

    Is there anyone out there? Time was when Agile used to respond to anyone from there still looking in here?


    Hello Patrick,

    I'm very sorry that you have not received a response yet. We take pride in getting back to customers quickly, and it has not happened in this case.

    I am conferring with some of the team members who may have a better insight into your specific issue, but I will return shortly!

    Just wanted to let you know that we are here! Promise!

    Be back very soon.

  • Patrick,

    There have been several fixes and enhancements made in the 1P4Windows Beta versions.

    Would you be willing to download the latest Beta and see if it resolves your issue?

    If so, you can download it here: [url=""]1.0.7.BETA-206 (build #206)[/url]

    Please let me know what you decide. If you do install the Beta, please reply with your results.

  • brenty
    edited 2011 09
    Hey there, newbietoo!

    I am so sorry for the delay. There is no way around it: We screwed up. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />

    I have emailed you, but I wanted to reply here, too, in case someone else has a similar question.

    I was unable to reproduce this myself, but from your description it sounds like you may be on to something: I believe this is a site-specific issue. Earlier today I encountered another customer who wanted 1Password to automatically log them out of one Google account before logging into another. While this is not something that we can do, Google seems to have a solution for this. Please try adding the following to the beginning of your Google login URLs:


    This should perform a logout and then send you to the login URL of your choice. Keep in mind that even the Google Apps logins work just fine at a standard email/password login pages

    You can also uncheck "PersistentCookie" in the Login items so that you are not kept logged in across browser sessions. This would also be more secure, so that someone who gained access to your system would not be able to return to your clients' sites and be logged in.

    As always, websites change, so sites that were not once problematic can become troublesome. Keep in mind that 1Password does not alter the code of any website you visit.

    If you have any other questions at all, please do not hesitate to ask.
  • Thanks guys...

    Not so sure I want to try a Beta; I'm too dependent on this stuff at the moment. I have 300 logins and as it is I use a belt and braces approach running both 1P and Roboform; I use 1P as it has broader platform support e.g. Android and iPad; but need Roboform as the reliable fall back (sorry guys).

    Brenty, the IE thing wasn't a problem in the previous version of 1P, so something happened to 1P (or IE I guess as it updates iteself) to change that. Time was when 1P handled a pre-loaded Gmail User ID. Anyway, to get around the issue I'm currently clicking 'Login to another account' which cancels any running session and presents a new login page.

    Where do I get to that persistent cookie check box?

  • DBrown
    edited 2011 10
    [quote name='newbietoo' timestamp='1310338862' post='31696']

    Where do I get to that persistent cookie check box?


    It's one of the fields on the Gmail login form, so it should be saved by 1Password (along with the and fields).

    In 1Password, edit the Login item for your Gmail account.





    [*]Double-click the row containing the [b]persistentcookie[/b] field.

    [*]Clear the asterisk from the [b]Value[/b] field.

    [*]You might experiment with setting the [b]Type[/b] field to [b]checkbox[/b], but that may be unnecessary.

    [*]Click the [b]OK[/b] button.


    I hope that helps, newbietoo!
  • Hi

    OK, so here's the thing. I have now tested this extensively in IE, FF and Chrome on the gmail login page. Essentially, I'm experiencing inconsistent behaviour. When 1P is set to Auto-Submit it always checks the 'stayed logged in' box regardless of the persistentcookie setting. The original settings were designation 'none', value '0'. And I have now tried all permutations of designation 'checkbox' and 'none' and values null, 0 and 1 (I'd have thought '1' is supposed to check the box).

    In each case I clear browser cookies. If I then navigate to the login page (not via 1P) and just auto-fill, the box doesn't get checked, however if 1P is set to auto-submit the 'stay logged in box' gets least that's what happens most of the time. There are occasions however when auto-submit doesn't check the box, but I haven't been able to isolate why that is and I can't afford to spend more time testing. Frankly it seems random to me as I've gone through the same sequence of steps each time.

  • DBrown
    edited 2011 11
    [quote name='newbietoo' timestamp='1310426316' post='31758']

    In each case I clear browser cookies. If I then navigate to the login page (not via 1P) and just auto-fill, the box doesn't get checked, however if 1P is set to auto-submit the 'stay logged in box' gets least that's what happens most of the time. There are occasions however when auto-submit doesn't check the box, but I haven't been able to isolate why that is and I can't afford to spend more time testing.


    1Password has no "auto-fill" capability.

    Have you made sure the password-saving and -filling feature in your browser is disabled? In IE, it's called AutoComplete.



    [*]From the [b]Tools[/b] menu, choose [b]Internet Options[/b].

    [*]In the Internet Options dialog box, click the [b]Settings[/b] button [color=purple][b](1)[/b][/color] under the [b]AutoComplete[/b] heading.

    [*]In the AutoComplete Settings dialog box, click the [b]Delete AutoComplete history[/b] button [color=purple][b](2)[/b][/color].

    [*]In the Delete Browsing History dialog box, make sure [b]Form data[/b] and [b]Passwords[/b] are checked [color=purple][b](3)[/b][/color].

    [*]Select any other history items you want to delete; then click the [b]Delete[/b] button [color=purple][b](4)[/b][/color].

    [*]Back in the AutoComplete Settings dialog box, uncheck [b]User names and passwords on forms[/b] [color=purple][b](5)[/b][/color]; then click the [b]OK[/b] button.

    [*]Back in the Internet Options dialog box, click the [b]OK[/b] button.


    Please let us know whether that helps, Patrick.
  • Hi David,

    By Auto fill, I meant the act of 1P populating a login form; what is it called then 'Form fill'?

    Did as you said, but no change. 1P is still checking the 'stay logged in' box for six out of seven gmail accounts. However, I've discovered there's one it doesn't do that with.

    It has a bunch of parameters appended to the (usual) short login URL. It must be one of those that makes the difference (and it's not &from=logout)
  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    edited 2011 12
    1. write down your username and password

    2. delete the offending login item from 1Password

    3. navigate to the login page, enter your username and password (the ones you wrote down in step #1)

    4. log into the website. the 1Password auto-save dialog should appear. click "Save".

    This newly created login item should "fix" your problem. Can you confirm this, please?
  • newbietoo
    edited 2011 12
    Hi Stefan

    That didn't work; but it changed behaviour. In IE (only) it now fills both User ID and Password and then immediately nulls the password. Take a look...

    What's with the YouTube?

    I have done this 4-5 times now (re-created the login) with minor variations in technique/sequence, including cleared cache and autocomplete history etc. Same result every time

    Can you delete the screencasts please when you've finished with them


  • DBrown
    edited 2011 12
    Patrick, the URL in your screen shot is for "staying logged in as <your-name>"; I expect that's because you saved it after having used your Gmail login credentials to log into the Youtube web site.

    Regardless, please try this:


    [*]Edit the Login item.

    [*]Change the [b]Location[/b] field to show this, instead:



    [*]Delete all the field rows [i]except[/i] for Email and Passwd.

    [*]Save your changes.

    [*]Try the Login item again.


    Let us know how it goes.
  • newbietoo
    edited 2011 12
    I haven't logged in to youtube for ages which is why that had me bluffed...I have also cleared cache and form data 'n' times, so have no idea why those details would still have been hanging around. In fact I think that's been the problem; maybe a bug in IE? Well, that'd be a surprise wouldn't it? It seems to me it's retaining data somewhere though I have no idea why or where e.g. why on earth youtube?? Why, having worked for months did it suddenly unravel last week when I had changed nothing??...but then we are talking IE here <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    I've just done as you suggested and it now works. However, again I have done that 'n' times before today and it just wouldn't work. The URL you suggested is the one I typically use, although I experimented with a number of others i.e. through this troubleshooting process I've tried a number of ways of arriving at the login page, each of which results in a different URL.

    Anyway it seems all good now; I wonder how long for?

    Thanks foro your help David

  • That's great news, Patrick! Thanks for updating the thread, which I'm sure will be useful to anyone else in a similar situation.
  • Yes, well given that after numerous iterations I essentially ended up back where I started (and it worked), it would appear that in the final analysis the only thing that worked was prayer <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • DBrown
    edited 2011 14
    [quote name='newbietoo' timestamp='1310516915' post='31866']

    ...the only thing that worked was prayer <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />


    Can't hurt! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

    Seriously, though, folks will see what you tried, the thought process we all went through, and what finally worked. That's what makes these forums a great resource.

    Thanks again for participating, Patrick!
  • Humph...back to square one on this. Worked for a day, now it doesn't. If ID has persisted from prevvious session i.e. I didn't log out, 1P throws an error; I have to hit 'sign as a different user' to clear the User ID and then it works. Nevertheless 1P should be smart enough to handle that (Roboform is). I rarely log out of anything, I just close the browser and I never 'remember password'. So at worst on restart, user ID (in Gmail at least) is displayed and it just needs password to proceed.
  • Remember that the Login you edited is for a specific URL.

    You may need to create a second Login for the URL of the "staying logged in as..." page where you saw the problem in the first place.

    If you do create a Login for that URL, compare the username and password fields on the two. With a bit of experimentation, you [i]may[/i] also be able to create a single Login item that works for both URLs, perhaps by modifying the [b]Location[/b] field to show just [font="Courier New"][/font].

    Let us know how it goes.
  • newbietoo
    edited 2011 18
    Post deleted; sorted (another) problem

    Is there any way to delete a reply?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited 2011 18
    Non-admins don't have the ability to delete anyone's posts (even their own). I can delete your post, but I am curious if everything worked out for you and, if so, how? I know others can often benefit greatly from these forum discussions. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    Or is that what you were saying? That David's suggestion resolved the issue for you?

    Please let me know. Thanks!
  • [quote name='khad' timestamp='1310971030' post='32245']

    Non-admins don't have the ability to delete anyone's posts (even their own). I can delete your post, but I am curious if everything worked out for and, if so, how? I know others can often benefit greatly from these forum discussions. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    Or is that what you were saying? That David's suggestion resolved the issue for you?

    Please let me know. Thanks!


    Sorry, no didn't want the Post deleted, just that last (non) reply. I had responded wih some related issues that I managed to resolve after I replied, so I went to delete the reply and I couldn't. Hence I sort of nulled it
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I think I am even more confused now. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

    What were the results you had when you followed David's instructions above?