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Passwords that are 'forced' to change periodically


I have a few questions/issues with using 1Password I would like to resolve...but first the background.

my work uses Exchange/Outlook for email and I access my email frequently via 'web access' rather than directly on a computer with Outlook installed. When I first started using 1Password (on my Mac at home - I dont have the Windows version for my work laptop as I can not install software on my work laptop) I captured the user id and password for my web email access and stored it in 1Password.

The same user id and password is used for all user access at work e.g. logging onto my work laptop, it is the Windows user id and password to access the servers at work.

Every 30 days, I am prompted to change my work email password to something new, and not one of the last 5 or 6 passwords. Normally, this means I change it on a page on the web email access and this also changes it on the server at work. What does not get changed, of course, if my laptop's local user id and password combination, until I next log on (with the old password) and the system asks me to 'lock' the system and 'open' it again with the new password. This then syncs the changed password with my work laptop.

Sometimes, the sequence is the other way around, I change the password first on my work laptop, and then, the next time I use web email, I have to remember to use the new password by manually entering it as 1Password will provide the old one automatically.

The questions/issues I have are:

1) when I access my my work email via web email the first time after I have changed it on my laptop - 1Password asks me to save the new user id/password details rather than replace the one I already have. This means I end up with a new and an old combination. Good for password history, which I sometimes need, but confusing if I just want 1Password to provide the latest (and hopefully correct) details when I next log on.

Question 1 is how can I ask 1Password to replace the existing details?

2) my second issue/question is almost the opposite... I would still like to keep the password history but not try to have to work out what the latest log in/password details are... in case I need to use my old password to access my laptop the first time I have changed my password via web mail.

So, in summary, I would like 1Password to keep the history so I can access old passwords when I need to BUT only give me the latest one when I ask it to automatically log me in.

At the moment, I seem to have 'duplicates' and this is good if I need the history but confusing if I try to automatically provide the right credentials using Apple key-\ on my Mac to prompt 1Password to provide the right ones.

Can anyone suggest how to address these questions/issues easily? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, glenncogar! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    For starters, I will add a vote on your behalf to the feature requests for [url=""]linked accounts[/url]. I think that would help a bit in your situation. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    [quote]Question 1 is how can I ask 1Password to replace the existing details?[/quote]

    When saving the login from within the browser, set the Action field to "Replace <login-name>", to update an existing Login item then click the Save button.


    [quote]So, in summary, I would like 1Password to keep the history so I can access old passwords when I need to BUT only give me the latest one when I ask it to automatically log me in.[/quote]

    That should be what the above accomplishes.

    You can also set any Login item to never display in your browser if you want to store multiple ones in 1Password but not have them clutter up the browser extension. Just set the "Display" value to "Never".


    I hope that helps. Please let me know.
