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Family Pack Licensing and Upgrading - unique situation?

Hi, I'm new to the forums and 1Password.

I have heard a lot about the product and I'm thinking of switching from the (less expensive) Wallet by Acrylic software. I have a few questions.

1. Licensing:

I am looking at the family pack but I'm not sure how it would apply to us. My wife and I each have our own businesses. I work at home on an iMac running Snow Leopard, and she uses her MacBook Pro with Leopard both at home and her shared office space downtown. Both my son and daughter attend university, out of province. My daughter, who has a MacBook Pro running Snow Leopard will return home shortly, for the summer, but my son, who has a PowerBook G4 running Leopard, studies in the UK and will be working there this summer. They both have our house as their home address until they finish school.

How does the licensing apply? Do their machines have to be in the house to install and activate it? I would also like to give the 5th license to my dad, who has a PowerBook G4 running Tiger, but he does not live with us, and we're unsure whether he will upgrade to a new Mac or just an iPad.

Is the above an acceptable use scenario for the family pack?

2. Upgrades and versions

If I buy the family pack are all the licenses only good for the latest version, or can they apply to the Leopard and Tiger versions as well, like the single licenses do, and if the latter, how does upgrading work, from say version 2 to 4 when it comes out?

Thank you.


  • [Deleted User]
    edited July 2011
    Hello MacDruid and welcome to the Forums!

    First, the fine print: for those wishing to learn more about AgileBits' licensing policy, please refer to the following link: [url=""]Licenses: How do they work?[/url]

    Now, let's get to your specific questions!

    [u]Question #1: Licensing[/u]

    The Family License plan allows up to 5 separate users from the same household to use 1Password. However, it appears that you have a lot of variables in your licensing equation! Please contact us at [email=""][/email] to see what we can do for you in your case. In addition, please include a link to this thread to help us connect the dots.

    [u]Question #2: Upgrades and Versions[/u]

    [u]OS X Support[/u]

    If you purchase a license(s) for 1Password 3, you will be able to use the application on any version of OS X that is supported by the particular version you are using. For instance, the last version of 1P 3 to support Leopard is 3.5 , but 3.6 supports Snow Leopard and Lion. The following article provides more detail regarding 1P versions and their respective support for Tiger, Leopard, Snow Leopard and Lion: [url=""]Older Versions of 1Password[/url]

    [u]Major Release Upgrades[/u]

    Quoting from the licensing policy webpage:

    [quote]Historically, AgileBits has been very generous with upgrades. Your purchase entitles you to free updates until the next major version upgrade. That means if you buy a license for version 2 of a product, you will get all 2.x releases for free, but upgrading to version 3 might require another purchase.[/quote]

    At this time, I do not have any information regarding future major releases. Please contact us if you are concerned about this possibility.


  • Thank you for the reply.

    We've decided to get a family pack after we install Lion. That will do three of us. My son's a slow adopter so I'll give him my Wallet license.

    Much appreciated!
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    On behalf of Brandt, you are quite welcome! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know.

    We are always here to help!