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1PasswordAnywhere on iPad

Have to say I love 1Password but the one feature I miss the most is being able to have "Home" and "Work" password files that can be opened individually on my Ipad. I have separate files on my PC that I can open but the Ipad app does not allow this (I think). I came across IPassword anywhere when I tapped on my "Home" password file in my dropbox Ipad app and it opened inside of dropbox. SCORE! But I get a "Problem loading 1Password data file" error (A Key data file could not be found....)

I've copied the dropbox file "link" and pasted it into Ipad Safari and am told "A problem occurred when loading file "" file. This file and folder structure DOES exist in my dropbox folder.

I did some research and if I was using 1Password3 I should update to the new Agile Key but I'm using Windows.

Is there anyway of opening my password files on my Ipad using 1Password anywhere? I would really like some "home" and "work" separation!


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, mrboffo10!

    The mobile Dropbox app does not load your entire data file which is necessary for 1PasswordAnywhere to work. Try logging in to the Dropbox website in Mobile Safari instead and let me know how it goes.

  • Thanks kad. I tried that on your suggestion and got the "same" error except the URL for the file contained ..dl-web.dropbox...

    The .js file is in the path specified as I can browse to it but isn't being accessed (found, identified, loaded, .. etc)
  • I just tested Khad's method on my iPad 1, running 1P Pro 3.5.9 and iOS 4.3.3, and I was able to access 1PA via my Dropbox folder in Mobile Safari and with 1P's internal browser.

    Anyone else having the same results?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [url=""]There were some changes made in 1Password for Mac to enable support for 1PasswordAnywhere in Mobile Safari[/url], but I don't know that those changes were included in 1Password for Windows yet, unfortunately.

    I will pass this along to the developer.
  • Thanks Khad. Can't wait!
  • mrboffo10,

    You aren't alone! Keep the faith!

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited July 2011
    mrboffo10, I just confirmed that the 1PasswordAnywhere changes should be available in the latest beta version of 1Password for Windows. Please delete the 1Password.html file from within 1Password.agilekeychain and then repair your data ([b]File > Repair 1Password Data[/b]) to have 1Password generate a new copy of it.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.

  • [quote name='bswins' timestamp='1310175853' post='31542']

    I just tested Khad's method on my iPad 1, running 1P Pro 3.5.9 and iOS 4.3.3, and I was able to access 1PA via my Dropbox folder in Mobile Safari and with 1P's internal browser.

    Anyone else having the same results?


    I too got the file missing/can't continue message for 1PasswordAnywhere on iPad. Khad's "try mobile safari" did get me around that but there are errors generated there too.

    2 errors - javascript line 1 parse error -syntax error/parse error on getting the 1Password.html?w=5f44ee59

    javascript line 2528 ''[undefined] is not an object

    as I am just trying out 1Password today for the fist time, this has me worried.

    And Khad said something about not loading the entire data file on iPad when using 1passwordAnywhere so... is this going to get worse? Will it break my test data file at some point?

    I assume I will NOT see these problems if I buy the iOS version?

    If you reply, please know that I will be out of internet range for days.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited July 2011
    Welcome to the forums, geiswood! Thanks for asking about this.

    I am not able to reproduce any errors with 1PasswordAnywhere running in Mobile Safari on my iPad. Could you tell me what steps I could take to reproduce the issue? I am pretty slow sometimes, so numbered steps would be perfect.

    [quote]And Khad said something about not loading the entire data file on iPad when using 1passwordAnywhere so... is this going to get worse? Will it break my test data file at some point?[/quote]

    I am not sure what you mean by this. [b]Dropbox's iOS app[/b] only loads a single file at a time but 1Password data is spread across many files in a "bundle" in OS X. OS X bundles appear as regular folders in Windows, though. Dropbox would need to completely rewrite their mobile app in order to accommodate this. The simple solution is to use Mobile Safari which functions just like 1PasswordAnywhere on the desktop. I'm not sure what you mean about something getting "worse". Also nothing can be "broken" with this [i]read-only[/i] feature. You data is not modified by 1PasswordAnywhere. It is only a reader.

    [quote]I assume I will NOT see these problems if I buy the iOS version?[/quote]

    1Password Pro is a full-featured 1Password client for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad. You can both read [b]and write[/b] your data with it. It is not coded with any JavaScript, so any JavaScript errors you see will obviously not exist in the actual native iOS app. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    [quote]If you reply, please know that I will be out of internet range for days.[/quote]

    If there is a part of this universe out of range of the Internet, I hope I never have to go there. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

    Seriously, though, whenever you return, I would love to find out how to reproduce the issue.

    Be sure you are using the latest beta version of 1Password for Windows since the current stable version does not include all the latest improvements to 1PasswordAnywhere for Mobile Safari. As I mentioned above, please delete the 1Password.html file from within 1Password.agilekeychain and then repair your data ([b]File > Repair 1Password Data[/b]) to have 1Password generate a new copy of it.

  • Khad

    Where can I download the beta version for windows?
  • Hello mrboffo10,

    You can download 1Password for Windows Beta versions here: [url=""]1Password for Windows Downloads[/url]

    You will need to click the "Show Betas" button in order to show the available beta versions.


  • I downloaded the latest Beta and intalled it on my PC (checked "about" and it is version 1.0.7 BETA 208). I deleted the 1password.html file from my agilekeychain folder in dropbox and then File>Repair 1Password file in 1password.

    I then checked the date on the html file. It was July 11 (today is the 19th). I went ahead and copied the dropbox url into my my mobile safari (

    I got the following error: A problem occurred when loading the file.

    This is the same error I got before. The date on the new html file is suspect of course. So I tried it 3 more times. Same result, same date stamp. What are we missing if this isn't reproducible?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Waaaaaaiiiiiit a minute...

    Are you logged in to your Dropbox account and accessing it via their web interface or are you publicly sharing your data file and attempting to access it outside of the Dropbox interface?

    Please [i]immediately[/i] move any 1Password files and data from your "Public" Dropbox folder. Store 1Password.agilekeychain anywhere in your Dropbox folder but not in the Public folder. This is accessible to the entire world. 1PasswordAnywhere will not work from there anyway.

    You need to [url=""]log in to your Dropbox account via their web interface[/url] and navigate to 1Password.html [url=""]as described in the 1PasswordAnywhere documentation and video[/url].

    Please let me know how it turns out.
  • Khad,

    I am definitely NOT sharing my dropbox folder, but thanks for thinking of that and the warning. I opened the dropbox app on my ipad (not through safari); copied the 1password.html url (in dropbox terms "copy link") then pasted that link into mobile safari.

    I actually had not thought about logging into dropbox through safari.

    Unfortunately, I get a similar error when I open in mobile safari and double tap on the 1password.html file in my agilekeychain folder. The URL message is a bit different: A problem occurred when loading the "" file.

    I did some further "playing" and got the following results:

    Dropbox WEB access: I logged into dropbox in safari AND internet explorer and doubleclicked on the 1password.html file and what do you know - I get the same error.

    Dropbox windows folder: I opened my dropbox folder and doubleclick the 1password.html and it opens in Safari (URL: file:c://....)

    So 1passwordanywhere works for me with a local file structure but doesn't work through the 'net using dropbox. Hope this helps and I'm not just confusing the issue. I've spent a lot of time doing technical troubleshooting with customers and I know how tough it can be.
  • Khad

    At your gentle reminder that I should read the instructions <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' /> I watched the video again and noticed that in the video, the dropbox agilekeychain folder has several subfolders that I don't have:



    My html file is also 309.88 kb compared to the 1.81 kb in the video.

    I realize I may be grasping at straws.
  • I am fairly obsessed with getting this figured out now. Thinking that I created my dropbox file incorrectly I created a new agilekeychain in my documents folder then opened it file>preference>move to drop box.

    And voila it opened through dropbox internet on my pc. No problems.

    I then exported the data from my "old" file and imported it into the new one. And oops - it didn't work and gave me the same error.

    I then created another NEW file, "moved to dropbox" and was able to open this EMPTY file through dropbox internet with 1passwordanywhere.

    Just to push the boundary I then created a credit card item in the new file using 1password 1.0.7 Beta 208, closed the application, went to dropbox internet and the file that I had just been able to open EMPTY was no longer openeable (with the same error I've been getting).

    Just for my sanity, I then created a new file, added an item and THEN "moved to dropbox" and it too had the same error opening.

    So, I can open EMPTY files using 1PasswordAnywhere and dropbox but any content causes the loading file error.
  • [quote name='mrboffo10' timestamp='1311124493' post='32397']

    I am fairly obsessed with getting this figured out now. Thinking that I created my dropbox file incorrectly I created a new agilekeychain in my documents folder then opened it file>preference>move to drop box.

    And voila it opened through dropbox internet on my pc. No problems.

    I then exported the data from my "old" file and imported it into the new one. And oops - it didn't work and gave me the same error.

    I then created another NEW file, "moved to dropbox" and was able to open this EMPTY file through dropbox internet with 1passwordanywhere.

    Just to push the boundary I then created a credit card item in the new file using 1password 1.0.7 Beta 208, closed the application, went to dropbox internet and the file that I had just been able to open EMPTY was no longer openeable (with the same error I've been getting).

    Just for my sanity, I then created a new file, added an item and THEN "moved to dropbox" and it too had the same error opening.

    So, I can open EMPTY files using 1PasswordAnywhere and dropbox but any content causes the loading file error.


    Me too! I love a good mystery. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/biggrin.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':D' />

    I am not sure offhand what the "style" folder is (it may be a remnant from an older version), but the "sync" folder is present in the data I have from my Mac. This is used for Wi-Fi sync in 1Password for Mac.

    I am unable to reproduce your issue with either data created on the Mac or Windows versions (although they should be the same, except for the sync and other cache data). But I think I have an idea. Please launch 1Password and go to Preferences > Security, and click "Change Master Password..." Just change it to something else, and then change it back if you like. But it sounds like for some reason 1PasswordAnywhere just doesn't like your encryptionkeys.js file. This should regenerate it.

    Please let me know how it turns out. I look forward to hearing back from you. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • Brent,

    No luck. I opened one of my test files that did not work yesterday, changed the master file, checked in dropbox online that the *.js file had the correct time stamp then doubleclicked the *.html file and received the same "problem opening file" error.

    Since this is all "in the cloud" it shouldn't be related to any antivirus/security software right? I think I'm doing everything right.

    I created a file in my 1Password app on my Windows 7 laptop, went to file>preferences and moved it to dropbox. As long as the file is EMPTY I can open it with 1Password anywhere. The minute I add an item (from my the local application) I get the problem error.
  • [quote name='mrboffo10' timestamp='1311172387' post='32426']

    Since this is all "in the cloud" it shouldn't be related to any antivirus/security software right?


    Actually, the data is stored locally in your Dropbox folder. Any changes you make to your files (ideally) gets sync'd "to the cloud" (and then on to your other devices), but [url=""]firewalls[/url], antivirus/malware protection, and even [url=""]local network issues[/url] can get in the way of Dropbox sync'ing new or modified files. Since it is conspicuously the JavaScript keys file that is conspicuously having the issue, security software might be a good place to start looking.


    I created a file in my 1Password app on my Windows 7 laptop, went to file>preferences and moved it to dropbox. As long as the file is EMPTY I can open it with 1Password anywhere. The minute I add an item (from my the local application) I get the problem error.


    So you are saying: Brand new 1Password Data Folder works just fine, but adding a new item in 1Password results in the error? Yikes. We may need to continue this via email. Could you please send us a Diagnostics Report? You can generate one in 1Password on your PC by going to Help > Diagnostics Report > E-mail to Agile... Just attach this to an email (, and be sure to include any other details or screenshots (in addition to a link to this thread for context) to help us understand the problem better.

    We will get to the bottom of this. I look forward to hearing from you. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • That is what seems to be happening as I've tested different scenarios. Sending the file now.
  • [quote name='mrboffo10' timestamp='1311342759' post='32974']

    That is what seems to be happening as I've tested different scenarios. Sending the file now.


    Awesome. I am anxious to see what is going on here. We will get to the bottom of this. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />