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Multiple Logins on Websites

Basically I've got this issue, I have 4 different Twitter accounts, and I'm trying to add all logins to 1password. Do I have to manually put each login in a seperate login tab? Or is there some easier way to do this? Because on one hand, I've got to put '@username here' 3 times in different login sections, is it possible to put them all under one login? it gets confusing because I want to keep 1password app tidy, and it's annoying having the title on some of them as 'facebook' because i only have one account there, and then when it comes to twitter i have to actually put the username of my accounts in the title bar, thus making it hard to see what they are for when scrolling through the list.

I want to have the title as 'twitter' and then be able to still choose out of the 4 logins to log into.

Sorry if I'm a bit vague and confused lol, I'm new to 1password.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited July 2011
    At this time a Login is defined by its unique combination of URL, username, and password. If you need to have more than one combination of those, it will by definition be a separate Login item.

    It sounds like you are describing what I already do, but I have Login items called "Twitter - myaccount" and "Twitter - workstuff" for example.

    We will take your suggestion under advisement for the future, though. Thanks for letting us know if would be useful to you!