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Command line utility

<div class="IPBDescription">Feature Request</div>Is there a 1Password command line utility? A variety of services require ssh keys, gpg keys or a variety of ssl certs. It's possible to drag and drop such things into 1password but that's honestly a PITA and it's not very scriptable. Are there any plans for a command line utility?

Alternatively is the on disk layout documented well enough for another program to manipulate them (clearly that must be possible as it works on Dropbox and one could have 1Password modifying things on different machines.

What I'd have in mind is something like:

1p add secure.note 'My github ssh key' --text 'This is my ssh key for github' --attachment .ssh/github_id --attachment .ssh/

1p list secure.note '*ssh*' --attachments

1p cat secure.note 'My github ssh key'

or perhaps it could go with a fs type abstraction:

1p mkdir 1:secure.note/'My github ssh key'

1p cp title.txt 1:secure.note/'My github ssh key'/title.txt

1p cp content.txt 1:secure.note/'My github ssh key'/content.txt

1p cp .ssh/ 1:secure.note/'My github ssh key'/attachments/

1p cp .ssh/github_id 1:secure.note/'My github ssh key'/attachments/github_id

1p ls 1:secure.note/'*ssh*/attachments

1p cat 1:secure.note/'My github ssh key'/attachments/


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Kevin!

    This suggestion has come up from time to time. Thank you for letting us know it would be useful to you. I will pass this along to the developers.

    Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with.

  • I would like to second Kevin’s request. If I could make command line requests into 1Password’s database (even just retrieval requests), I wouldn’t need to use any other programs for storing my secure data.

    Other than that, thanks for a terrific product!


    Jason Whittle
  • Hello Jason and welcome to the Forums!

    Thanks for your vote, and definitely for your kind words! I'll pass along your comments to our developers.

