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Master Password vs. DropBox

Signed up today, decided to take the plunge and be smart about my passwords. I'm having a hard time wrapping my head around the 1Password Master Password versus DropBox's password.

I suppose it wouldn't be smart to use the same password for both;

- if I generate a password for DropBox... what do I do when I install DropBox on a new computer? I can't access my 1Password file just yet.

Thanks for any suggestions, I'm sure others have run into this.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Portshot! Thanks for asking about this.

    I have 1Password installed on and syncing with my iPhone and iPad, so that is one solution to having your generated Dropbox password available to you on a fresh installation of Windows/Dropbox. Another option is to put a copy of your data on a USB flash drive. (I do this as well because you can never be too careful.) You can then access all your data via the [url=""]1PasswordAnywhere[/url] feature in your web browser directly from the USB flash drive. No Internet connection required!

    Finally, to be ultimately safe (and in the event of my untimely departure from this planet), I have both my Dropbox password and 1Password master password stored in a safe deposit box. My beneficiary in another state has a key to my local safe deposit box. Easy to get to if absolutely needed, but not so easy that I worry about it. Of course, I also trust my beneficiary implicitly.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know if you have any other questions or concerns.

  • I just remember my Dropbox password. It stretches the "one password" principle, but it's the only practical solution for me.