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What's going on with 1PW?

Kampf Katze
Kampf Katze Junior Member
Sorry developers but what are you doing with 1Password? It's a shame...

I use this Software for a long time now and I love the upgrade to version 3, but since a few months you made me more and more angry.

1. Browser Support

You killed it all!!! That's a simply fact at the moment. The first painful hit was for me to drop down the support for Camino. I know what you will say now... No long development for this software (right?) but hey, I still prefer to use Camino and not Firefox. It's fast, simple and looks nice. You decide over all heads of 1Password users without any announce or something.

And now... Under 10.7 (Lion) you killed all other browser to. Only Firefox and Safari are still supported. Great deal my friends but THAT is not the App for what I payed!!!!

The idea for 1Password was, that I didn't must safe in all different browsers a single PW database. The Idea was to simply switch between each browser and have a access to all actually passwords who I have safe in 1Password. And pls. do not came now with arguments like "Support is dropped because the developer..."

The idea of 1Password is gone away at the moment. That is not good.

2. The new Safari Extension

I have no Idea why you doing that. It's a strange thing that developers must often totally redesign an idea and the users must life with that. Is there really no way to use the old way of using 1Password in Safari?

Yes, the new Plugin looks interesting, but why do you "ignore" the fact that HTTP Request are doesn't supported at the moment? I have a lot of pages (including own projects" who have a HTTP request and your simply solution is to copy and past the details from 1Password directly??? Common guys, that is not true or?

In the past the idea of 1Password was, to safe time, but under Lion and Safari 5.1 you kill this time-safer concept.

I'm really mad about your decissions in the last months and I hope you will bring 1Password back to the right direction as soon as possible, because this is not for what I payed!


  • Hey there, Kampf Katze!

    I am sorry you do not like the new extension or some of the decisions we have made concerning browser support. In many ways, this was unavoidable. Just to clarify:

    [list=1][*]We actually support Chrome as well under Lion, and a whole lot of other browsers under Leopard and Snow Leopard. The problem is that scripting additions are not allowed at all on Lion, so none of our WebKit support works. Also, Camino is no longer being actively developed, as the gecko engine it uses is not embeddable going forward. I am not 100% certain, but off the top of my head I believe our Camino integration uses a scripting addition as well.[*]Similarly, 1Password cannot integrate with Safari 5.1 using a scripting addition (our previous method), so we have developed a new version from scratch using the Safari extension API. This framework does not currently allow us access to HTTP Auth prompts, unfortunately, but if Apple updates the API to allow this in the future I suspect we will jump at the opportunity. This new direction was necessary to have support for Safari 5.1 on Snow Leopard or Lion at all.[/list]

    I hope this helps you understand our reasoning a bit better. I am sorry if we have not met your expectations in this case, but we will do our best to do so going forward. If you have any followup questions, just ask. I am always happy to help. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    [quote name='Kampf Katze' timestamp='1311247465' post='32626']

    Sorry developers but what are you doing with 1Password? It's a shame...

    I use this Software for a long time now and I love the upgrade to version 3, but since a few months you made me more and more angry.

    1. Browser Support

    You killed it all!!! That's a simply fact at the moment. The first painful hit was for me to drop down the support for Camino. I know what you will say now... No long development for this software (right?) but hey, I still prefer to use Camino and not Firefox. It's fast, simple and looks nice. You decide over all heads of 1Password users without any announce or something.

    And now... Under 10.7 (Lion) you killed all other browser to. Only Firefox and Safari are still supported. Great deal my friends but THAT is not the App for what I payed!!!!

    The idea for 1Password was, that I didn't must safe in all different browsers a single PW database. The Idea was to simply switch between each browser and have a access to all actually passwords who I have safe in 1Password. And pls. do not came now with arguments like "Support is dropped because the developer..."

    The idea of 1Password is gone away at the moment. That is not good.

    2. The new Safari Extension

    I have no Idea why you doing that. It's a strange thing that developers must often totally redesign an idea and the users must life with that. Is there really no way to use the old way of using 1Password in Safari?

    Yes, the new Plugin looks interesting, but why do you "ignore" the fact that HTTP Request are doesn't supported at the moment? I have a lot of pages (including own projects" who have a HTTP request and your simply solution is to copy and past the details from 1Password directly??? Common guys, that is not true or?

    In the past the idea of 1Password was, to safe time, but under Lion and Safari 5.1 you kill this time-safer concept.

    I'm really mad about your decissions in the last months and I hope you will bring 1Password back to the right direction as soon as possible, because this is not for what I payed!
