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Safari 5.1: Troubleshooting keyboard shortcuts

edited July 2011 in Mac

My Problem:


Safari 5.1

1Password 3.6.1

Mac Os X 10.6.8 Snow Leo

1Password Extension Is Installed!

After Running Safar - Go to a Webpage - Wanna Login Via Shortcuts - Not Working!

I Have Changed the Shortcuts Many Times!

I Have Done New Instalations of 1Password - of Safari - of the 1Pw Extension

Contex Menu Entry Is Lost (Wtf????)

After Running 1Password - Right Klick on the Doc Icon - Go & Fill in - Clicking on a Item from the Login-Menu - the Side Opens in Safari - Bu Without a Login (Not Entering User Name and Password Automaticly!!!)

I Dont Want to Click 10 Times to Log in

I Want to Use My Shortcut!!!!!!!!!!!

Now Its Faster to Type in the Passwords Manually!!!!

Help Me Please!

Sry for My Bad English


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, icewater!

    From the [url=""]Safari 5.1 troubleshooting section[/url] in the 1Password User Guide:

    [indent]At this time, the Safari 5.1 extension does not support Go & Fill from outside the browser extension. If Safari 5.1 is set as your default browser, the following actions will open the correct page in Safari 5.1, but will not automatically fill the login information:


    [*]Double-clicking an item in 1Password

    [*]Using 1Password’s dock icon to select a login

    [*]Clicking a 1Click bookmark (even from within Safari 5.1)

    [*]Selecting a 1Password item from AllBookmarks


    We are looking into this issue. In the meantime, please consider using the ⌥⌘\ (Option-Command-\) keyboard shortcut from within Safari 5.1 or clicking the “All Logins” tab in the 1Password extension.[/indent]

    The rest of the [url=""]keyboard shortcuts[/url] should be working as well. If you are using a non-US keyboard, you may need to [url=""]customize the shortcuts as described in the 1Password User Guide[/url].

    If you are still having trouble, could you please describe to me the steps you are taking, what you are expecting to happen, and what is actually happening? I may be misunderstanding your post.

  • icewater
    edited July 2011
    Hello Khad,

    My Problem Is:

    the Shortcuts Don't Working for Me! I Use a German Keyboard. I Have Changed the Shortcuts from ⌥⌘ to Many Different Others! but if I Press - Nothing Happens!

    if 1 Press the 1P Button in the Browser - a Popup Opens I Have to Enter My Master Password the Popup Window Shows the Login for the Page I Entered then I Can Klick on the ">"Symbol After Doing That 2 Times, 1 Password Log Me Into the Page

    but I Only Want to Use the Shortcuts!!!

    Thank You an Best Regards from Germany
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    We made improvements in the latest 1Password beta that should help with the keyboard shortcuts.

    Please make sure you update to 1Password 3.6.5.BETA-1 (or later) and also use Safari > Preferences > Extensions to update the extension.
  • icewater
    edited July 2011

    my 1password version is:

    Version 3.6.1 (build 31057)

    If I use look for update function - 1password says: YOU ARE UP-TO-DATE!

    Extension is installed!

    I will check it with the BETA version later

  • icewater
    edited July 2011

    I Have Tested the Short Cuts With the 3.6.5 Beta 1 Version.

    Short Cuts Now Working!

    but the Short Cuts Open the Popup Window

    Wich Is Asking for My Master-Password

    I Think I Have to Enter It Only One Time

    but This Is %§$/)?@%&$&, Sorry

    then I Have to Press the Enter Button

    No Auto Login <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_sadsmile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-(' />

    Will There Be a Chance to:

    Disable the Popup Window?

    to Bring Back the Pw-Generator in the Safari Contex Menu???

    Best Regards

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [url=""]We are looking at providing functionality in Safari's contextual menu[/url], but I don't have a time frame for this at the moment.

    Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with while we continue to improve the new Safari 5.1 extension. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

  • icewater
    edited July 2011
    Hello Khad,

    Yes, You Can Help <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' /> :

    1.) Disable the Popup Window!

    2.) Disable the Extension! I Only Want to Use 1Password - Without the Extension - I Don't Want to Enter My Master Password - I Disabled It in the Main Program, but the Extension Ask for It!

    I Want to Run Safari - Go to a Webpage I Want to Login - Press My Shortcuts - and 1Password Log Mi Into the Page!

    Like It Done Before!!!

    1Password [B]Was[/B] the Best Program for Me for a Long Time - but It Looks Like It [B]Was[/B]??!?!?!?!?!?!

    Best Regards
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited July 2011
    [url=""]Displaying the popover when you only have one login for a website is removed in the latest update[/url]. Please make sure you are using 1Password 3.6.5 and Safari extension 3.6.5.BETA-29. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />


    To manually update the Safari extension, you will need to temporarily disable automatic updates, otherwise, if you sit tight it will eventually update automatically.


    We are releasing multiple updates per day now, so it can be fun for all of us trying to keep up.

    Please let me know how it goes for you with the latest update.


    [i]We are still working on [url=""]automatic unlock[/url].[/i]
  • icewater
    edited July 2011
    Hello Khad,

    [B]"Displaying the Popover when You Only Have One Login for a Website Is Removed in the Latest Update"[/B] Is Not Correct (for Me)!!

    I Have Installed the Latest Versions (Extension and Main)

    After Running Safari - I Go to a Webpage (With Only One Login) - After Using My Shortcut

    the Popup Window Opens Amd I Have to Type in My Master Password - then I Have to Press the Enter Button (or My Shortcut Again)

    After That - the Shortcuts Working Without the Popup Window

    Better Than Before - Thanx

    I Hope You Will Disable the Popup at the First Login Too!!!

    Best Regards
  • Jonathan M
    edited July 2011

    I have a weird bug. Using 1Password 3.6.5 (build 31075), Safari 5.1 and Safari 1Password extension 3.6.5.BETA-30.

    On my Google Gmail login page, none of the keyboard shortcuts works (cmd+$ and alt+cmd+$ on an AZERTY keyboard). But if I show the address bar first (cmd+L) then it works.

    Also, it worked without cmd+L from the Agile forums login page.

    Edit: on a blank page I need cmd+L to use alt+cmd+$ to call on-the-fly shortcut.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited July 2011
    [quote]the Popup Window Opens Amd I Have to Type in My Master Password - then I Have to Press the Enter Button (or My Shortcut Again)[/quote]

    This is working as designed. If the Safari extension is not already unlocked, you need to unlock it. We are working to get "Universal Unlock" in the Safari extension so that if the main 1Password application is unlocked, you will not need to unlock the extension independently (if you have this enabled in Preferences > Security). Thanks for your patience with this. Single-keystroke login is working as designed, though. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    Welcome to the forums, Jonathan!

    The toolbar button needs to be visible in order for the keyboard shortcuts to work since they produce a popover from the button. The popover can't "come from" the button if it isn't available.


    Please let me know if that helps.

  • Thank you Khad.

    Ok I get it.

    But this is very annoying. The new Safari now hides the address bar and buttons by default and I really like this new presentation. Also, I didn't updated to Lion but will this not be a problem with the new fullscreen mode?
  • fdelaneau
    fdelaneau Junior Member

    I encountered a strange behavior with the extension, also related to shortcuts.

    I have a AZERTY keyboard and the default shortcut to switch windows is Cmd + `

    This is a system wide shortcut (except for Mail for an unknown reason) so it is quite important to keep it that way but now instead in Safari it opens the 1Password popup.

    Any chance you could fix that easily ?

    1Password: version 3.6.5 (build 31075), Safari extension: version 3.6.5.BETA-30

    If you need more informations just ask <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited July 2011
    [quote name='Jonathan Métillon' timestamp='1311662122' post='34049']

    Thank you Khad.[/quote]

    No problem! It is my pleasure to help.

    [quote name='Jonathan Métillon' timestamp='1311662122' post='34049']

    The new Safari now hides the address bar and buttons by default and I really like this new presentation. Also, I didn't updated to Lion but will this not be a problem with the new fullscreen mode?


    I do not think that the address bar is hidden by default in any version of Safari. You can toggle the toolbar with the menu item [b]View > Show Toolbar[/b] or the ⌘| (Shift-Command-\) keyboard shortcut. you must have turned it off and not realized it. The address bar is visible in fullscreen mode in Lion. In fact, even if the toolbar is hidden normally it becomes visible in fullscreen mode. There is no way to hide the toolbar in fullscreen mode right now in Lion, so this actually makes fullscreen mode easier. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    fdelaneau, have you tried [url=""]changing 1Password's keyboard shortcuts[/url] as described in the User Guide?

    Please let me know if simply using a different shortcut works for you.

  • Ok maybe it's a personal setting in Safari to have my address bar hidden.

    Yes now that I just upgraded to Lion, I see that Safari fullscreen mode make the address bar always visible.

    Thank you for your support.
  • Hey Jonathan,

    On behalf of Khad, you are very welcome!


  • icewater
    edited July 2011
    After updating to version 3.7.0 BETA 3 (build 31081) Extension version 3.7.b2

    Shortcuts don't working no longer!

    I have changed the shortcuts to different combinations, but it's not working.

    SAFARI 5.1 (7534.48.3)

    MAC OS LION 10.7

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Could you please post a screen shot of your Login preferences? Here is mine for an example:


    Also, please ensure that the 1P toolbar button is present in Safari and quit Safari using Option-Command-Q then open Safari again.

    Please let me know how it goes.
