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1(more) password

<div class="IPBDescription">product direction suggestion</div>I've been a 1password user for a few years now. I was reluctant to trust such private information to a third party app but desperation pushed me into making the leap. I was surprised how large my database was when I finished my migration! Clearly not a problem anyone should be trying to manage by hand or relying solely on human memory as old school dogma would dictate. Lately I've been growing frustrated again. In my mind I've been calling 1p OneMorePassword. I wish 1p would really manage my passwords. If I want to change a password on Site X changing the password in 1p then 1p would reflect to the site saving me from the task of updating 1p when a password needs to be changed for a site. As things stand now my 1p database is assured to be out of date because I've forgotten to reflected changes I've made back. Is this a direction that AgileBits is considering?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Muchavie.

    1Password will automatically save the passwords you generate. [url=""]Please take a look at our tutorial here[/url].

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know.

    We are always here to help!