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Fill Last Generated Password

ilmolto Junior Member
Is it possible to fill the last generated password from the Safari 5.1 extension?


  • bclarkj
    bclarkj Junior Member
    I like the visual change to the extension. BUT, where did the "Fill Last Generated Password" option go as well as the option to automatically copy the generated password to the clipboard? So many times if I have to reset a password on a site, 1Password doesn't automatically capture my password and I have to re-login. Having that last generated password in my clipboard is a huge convenience. Where'd it go?
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    [quote name='bclarkj' timestamp='1311428963' post='33299']

    I like the visual change to the extension. BUT, where did the "Fill Last Generated Password" option go as well as the option to automatically copy the generated password to the clipboard? So many times if I have to reset a password on a site, 1Password doesn't automatically capture my password and I have to re-login. Having that last generated password in my clipboard is a huge convenience. Where'd it go?


    There is history of generated passwords for the current website. It is shown in the Password Generator section. If you click the item in the list, 1Password will fill that previously generated password.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited 2011 23
    [s]Not yet. This is something we are looking into in a future update. Thanks for letting us know you are interested in this! (I kind of miss it too, but it was one of the things that we have not yet been able to implement on such short notice. We had to scrap five years of code very late in the development of the Safari 5.1 extension due to some changes Apple made.)

    We are releasing multiple updates a day at the moment and working around the clock. I don't have a time frame for "Fill last generated password" specifically, but it is on our radar. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />


    Once again, Roustem is too agile. Please see his post above which I have merged with this thread.
  • ilmolto
    ilmolto Junior Member
    No probs. At the end of the day it is still possible to get the last generated password from the 1Password app itself, so no rush I guess. Also, when generating a password from the Safari 5.1 extension, there is no title or location data when viewing it from the 1Password app. I can post a screen shot if you don't know what I'm talking about.
  • Hey ilmolto,

    Thanks for understanding!

    When I generate a new password, it is saved in the Generated Passwords vault with the URL as the title. Is this what you are talking about?

    If you are seeing, then that is the expected result. If not, please post the screen shot so I can be sure I understand what you are seeing.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I even missed this myself, initially. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_bigsmile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-D' />


    I hope that helps.
  • ilmolto
    ilmolto Junior Member
    This is what I mean...


    I noticed this when generating a new password at
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Aha! Thank you for the screen shot. We will get this fixed as soon as possible.

    Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with.

  • ilmolto
    ilmolto Junior Member
    Having trouble getting the Safari 5.1 extension to fill Twitter. There is only one particular URL that will work, and that is the URL that it directs when signing out of Twitter. The URL is:!/download

    All the others don't respond to 1Password. These include:!/login!/login/error

    Just thought I'd let you guys know. Also thanks for all the replies.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    No problem at all. I live to serve. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    Try (the secure version). That is the URL I use for all five of my Twitter Logins and I have not had an issue with them.

    You might try deleting your existing Login(s) and then saving new ones. Someone else reported a similar issue and I think saving the Logins afresh worked well to get things moving along again. Perhaps the Logins were saved before the redesign and contain the old (wrong) form field names.

    Please let me know how it goes.
  • ilmolto
    ilmolto Junior Member
    That doesn't seem to help. Even deleting the old logins and creating new ones doesn't help. I already tried that without success before posting about the issue and tried once more after reading your reply. Still doesn't fill the login at both http and https sites. Only the page that comes up after logging out. By the way, does it make a difference if the 1Password app is open when saving a login using the Safari extension?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [quote]By the way, does it make a difference if the 1Password app is open when saving a login using the Safari extension? [/quote]

    Nope. Many folks never even launch the main application. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    This is very odd. I really can't seem to reproduce the problem with Twitter.

    What [i]does[/i] happen when you press Command-\ on the Twitter home page?
  • ilmolto
    ilmolto Junior Member
    I have 3 Twitter accounts. When I press Command-/ it brings up the extension. I then choose a login and hit enter but nothing fills. Not for any of them. The only URL that I am able to fill using the Safari extension is the sign out page. It looks like this:


    The other URLs that won't fill look like this:

  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    [quote name='ilmolto' timestamp='1311547069' post='33817']

    I have 3 Twitter accounts. When I press Command-/ it brings up the extension. I then choose a login and hit enter but nothing fills. Not for any of them. The only URL that I am able to fill using the Safari extension is the sign out page.


    I am not sure what could be wrong. I tested it on the main Twitter page and logins worked fine.

    I am running OS X 10.7, Safari 5.1, Safari Extension 3.6.5.BETA-30, and 1Password 3.6.5.

    What's your version?
  • ilmolto
    ilmolto Junior Member
    OS X 10.6.8, Safari 5.1, Safari Extension 3.6.5 BETA-30 and 1Password 3.6.5.

    Another site I'm having trouble with is I can only get it to fill the username. The password for some reason appears blank even though the password is correct in the 1Password keychain. Also wanted to let you know that passwords generated in the Safari 5.1 extension still appear completely blank in the Generated Passwords section in 1Password itself. The password exists but absolutely no title or location is saved. See the image above.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited 2011 26
    This is certainly strange. Could you post the sanitized JSON data from your Twitter login? you can either save a new one with bogus credentials or edit yours to remove your username and password.


    [*]Select the Twitter Login in 1Password

    [*]Press Command-C to copy it to the clipboard

    [*]Paste it as text (JSON data) into reply to this post

    [*]Ensure that your username and password are [b]not included[/b]

    [*]Again, please verify that your username and password are [b]not included[/b]


    Here is my own as an example.

    [{"securityLevel":"SL5","locationKey":"","contentsHash":"f07194b6","location":"","title":"Twitter","openContents":{"usernameHash":"962db88df1f0a4cce4fa293786a127aca48cb48577a91d01faf0d231a4c641f1","scope":"Regular","passwordStrength":100},"updatedAt":1311552609,"createdAt":1276314351,"secureContents":{"htmlName":"","fields":[{"value":"[b]UsernameWasHere[/b]","type":"T","designation":"username","name":"session[username_or_email]"},{"value":"[b]PasswordWasHere[/b]","type":"P","designation":"password","name":"session[password]"},{"value":"Sign in","type":"B","name":""},{"value":"✓","type":"C","name":"remember_me"}],"htmlMethod":"post","htmlAction":"","htmlID":"signin"},"typeName":"webforms.WebForm"}]

    Heck, you can even copy all that to your clipboard, paste it into 1Password on your own machine, and then edit the username and password to contain your own credentials. If that doesn't work, then something is definitely different on your machine than mine. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    I also can't reproduce any trouble with the Waves login. Please try saving a new Login for the Waves site. Perhaps they have changed the code since you created yours. Also, is it perhaps an autosubmit issue? If you edit the Waves login to change the Submit value from "If Autosubmit is ON" to "Never" does that help?

    The issue with Generated Password titles and locations is still on our radar. I don't have a time frame for a fix, but we will get to it as soon as we can. Again, thanks for reporting that! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />
  • ilmolto
    ilmolto Junior Member
    [{"securityLevel":"SL5","locationKey":"","contentsHash":"b1a30631","location":"","title":"Twitter 1","openContents":{"usernameHash":"7e69337b7a218a6b0cbb2a70ec249bf9efe310710d882b1d93d3bb58587bf8f5","passwordStrength":100},"updatedAt":1311499999,"createdAt":1311499910,"secureContents":{"htmlMethod":"post","htmlAction":"","fields":[{"value":"UsernameWasHere","id":"","name":"session[username_or_email]","type":"T","designation":"username"},{"value":"PasswordWasHere","id":"","name":"session[password]","type":"P","designation":"password"},{"value":"✓","id":"","name":"remember_me","type":"C"}]},"typeName":"webforms.WebForm"}]

    With the Waves site, I am able to get 1Password to fill the login correctly only if the Login drop-down field is hidden. For example; like this:


    and not like this:


    When like this, it will only fill the username but make the password field blank. Kind of weird behaviour, but if you are not having any problems with any of these sites that I am having problems with, maybe it's because I'm running Snow Leopard and not Lion? Anyway, I'm going to copy and paste that JSON data in 1Password and see if that helps. Thanks again for your help.
  • ilmolto
    ilmolto Junior Member
    Copying and pasting that JSON data into 1Password now fills Twitter! Awesome! Thanks so much for that. But why was it not working correctly when I saved the login on my machine? Hmmm... Well at least it's working now <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited 2011 26
    [quote]With the Waves site, I am able to get 1Password to fill the login correctly only if the Login drop-down field is hidden.[/quote]

    I see what you are saying. It seems to work for me if I don't click the Log In link but just press Command-\ when I visit the page. This should also work for Go & FIll (Option-Command-\). It is interesting behavior, and we will take a look at it, but it sounds like it is working for you (even with one less mouse click!) if I understand correctly.

    [quote]maybe it's because I'm running Snow Leopard and not Lion?[/quote]

    A possibility, but I know other folks on the team are not having issues with Twitter on Safari 5.1 in Snow Leopard... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_worried.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':S' /> Very puzzling.

    [quote]Copying and pasting that JSON data into 1Password now fills Twitter! Awesome! Thanks so much for that. But why was it not working correctly when I saved the login on my machine? Hmmm... Well at least it's working now


    That's a fantastic update! I notice you got a bit of my password history there. I'm not too worried about it since the password was never used anywhere else and is no longer in use anywhere anyway, but if you want to create a new item from that JSON without the password history, I edited the post above to remove it, so you should be able to copy and paste it as before but with no password history now. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    Let me now about the Waves login.

    Glad we are making progress, but that Twitter login is still giving me some head-scratching. The JSON you posted produced a Login that works on all Twitter entry points for me... (This is in Lion.)
  • ilmolto
    ilmolto Junior Member
    So the JSON data that I posted works for you? Ok this is very strange. Does it even tick the "Remember me" box? When I use your JSON data, it will fill the username and password but won't tick the "Remember me" box. Not a big deal but just thought I should let you know.

    As for the Waves site, yes that's correct. It only fills correctly if I don't click the "Login" button on the top right. Anyway, I'll just have to wait for the next couple of updates to see how it all pans out. Thanks again for your help. If I have any other problems I will be sure to let you know.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Daniel, thanks to your posts we are working out some issues with saving Twitter Logins. Thanks again for all your help here.

    If you want the box to be checked, you can edit the login item and check the "remember_me" box under "All Fields".


    I always have it disabled because I like to be logged out when I am not using a service. I use this great password manager that makes logging in easy. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/laugh.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':lol:' />

  • ilmolto
    ilmolto Junior Member
    That's the problem. It already is ticked. I tried unticking it and reticking it but it still didn't tick the Remember me box in Twitter. It's not a big deal, I just thought I should make you aware that it's happening.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    We are working on improving the Twitter Login saving and filling. (Much of it is thanks to you!)

    Hopefully this can be resolved soon. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />
  • ilmolto
    ilmolto Junior Member
    Thanks so much for this. I'm receiving all the betas you guys are pushing out and constantly checking to see if it changes anything with Twitter. Still not filling unfortunately. The moment I am able to fill Twitter I will let you know.


  • ilmolto
    ilmolto Junior Member
    By the way, the 1Password extension is working a heck of a lot better since the 3.7 update. Thank you Agile!
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    You are quite welcome! We are still working on Twitter, but [url=""]there have been some awesome updates in the latest beta.[/url]

    Is that JSON code I posted above not working for you? It is still working for me, it's just saving new Logins that is not yet working properly.
  • ilmolto
    ilmolto Junior Member
    The JSON data that you posted works. It's only when I save the login myself it doesn't work.

    However, when using your JSON data to fill Twitter, it refuses to tick the "remember me" box. That's the only thing that won't work when using your JSON data. And yes, I have opened 1Password and edited the login so that the "remember me" box is ticked, like so:

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Perfect. I mean, not that everything is good, but we are still on the same page with the issue. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    We hope to resolve this soon.
  • ilmolto
    ilmolto Junior Member
    Hi khad,

    Just letting you know that the Safari extension is now filling my Twitter logins without any problems. And I didn't even need to re-save them. Thanks for resolving the issue <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Huzzah! Thanks for the update, Daniel. I'm glad things are working well. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    You have been a great sport about this. If we can be further assistance, please let us know.

    We are always here to help!
This discussion has been closed.