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Dropbox / 1password anywhere


Really looking for some help as I'm well confussed ??!!

I've installed 1password for windows, and the 1password app for my iphone and ipad. I want to be able to sync the three devices together, I don't need the ability to be able to access from 'anywhere'. Am I right in saying I only need to set up Dropbox and not worry about 1passwordanywhere???

Once set up with drop box does the software treat one computer as the 'master' and the others as the 'slave', therefore it always 'mirrors' the data on the pc or can you adjust the settings??

I currently have the PC version installed with a few (4) urls saved, on the iphone and ipad I have 1password installed with no saved url's, I currently dont have Dropbox registered or installed on any device..........can you confirm which set of instructions I should be following to get all devices syncing via Dropbox??!!

Finally, am I able to Sync all devices over wi-fi (and therefore dont need Dropbox) or do you need a Mac to do this??

Hope this all makes sense??!!




  • Hey Rob,

    A lot of good questions! I'll answer your questions one at a time:

    [quote]I've installed 1password for windows, and the 1password app for my iphone and ipad. I want to be able to sync the three devices together, I don't need the ability to be able to access from 'anywhere'. Am I right in saying I only need to set up Dropbox and not worry about 1passwordanywhere???[/quote]

    1PasswordAnywhere is a function accessible from an .html file inside your 1P data folder (1Password.agilekeychain). The file is created when you first setup your data file, and it goes where the keychain goes!

    Dropbox is an application that allows you to access your 1Password.agilekeychain from multiple devices. It's like a "shared" drive on a network. If you setup Dropbox synching, the 1PasswordAnywhere file will be there too (inside your keychain), but you do not have a choice between Dropbox or 1PasswordAnywhere. The choice is where you want to store your keychain. Not what's in the keychain.

    [quote]Once set up with drop box does the software treat one computer as the 'master' and the others as the 'slave', therefore it always 'mirrors' the data on the pc or can you adjust the settings??[/quote]

    Once you setup Dropbox, you are using multiple devices to access one copy of your data file. Much like the "shared" drive example I used, there is only one keychain. It is the Master! Your PC and iOS devices access the one keychain for data, and any changes made by one device updates the one keychain.

    It's analogous to several students using the same copy of a class textbook. The book is kept in one particular location, and any of the "authorized" students can open the book and use it to get information. If one of the students decides to rip a page out or otherwise modify the textbook, then any other student who accesses the book will see the changes. I hope that analogy made sense. It seemed like a good idea at the time. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    [quote]I currently have the PC version installed with a few (4) urls saved, on the iphone and ipad I have 1password installed with no saved url's, I currently dont have Dropbox registered or installed on any device..........can you confirm which set of instructions I should be following to get all devices syncing via Dropbox??!![/quote]

    You only need to install Dropbox on your PC. You do not need to install the Dropbox app on your iOS devices in order to sync your 1Password data. I happen to like the Dropbox iOS app, so I did install it on my iOS devices, but that is because I use Dropbox for more than 1P syncing.

    Regarding 1P sync setup:

    After downloading and installing Dropbox on your PC, you will first need to move your 1Password data file to Dropbox using 1Password for Windows on your PC.

    Please refer to the following help guide: [url=""]1Password for Windows: Dropbox Setup[/url]

    After setting up Dropbox on your PC, you will need to setup Dropbox syncing on your iOS devices

    Details can be found here: [url=""]Automatic Syncing Using Dropbox[/url]

    [quote]Finally, am I able to Sync all devices over wi-fi (and therefore dont need Dropbox) or do you need a Mac to do this??[/quote]

    1Password for Windows does not support Wi-Fi syncing, and future implementation is not expected. [url=""]1P for Windows Wi-Fi Sync[/url]

    In addition, due to restrictions in the iOS API, Wi-Fi syncing between iOS devices is not supported either.

    [quote]Hope this all makes sense??!![/quote]

    It made perfect sense! I hope my replies made sense. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Please let me know if you have additional questions.

