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Never Display in Browser not working

edited July 2011 in Mac
One item that is not working correctly is the "Never Display in Browser" option when set to "For HTTP Auth Prompts Only". With the old version any login's that I had assigned the "For HTTP Auth Prompts Only" would not display in the password list, but would in the "All Login's" list. This option is very important to me, since I don't want to expose all of my clients when logging in.

Any ETA when this will be fixed or how to access the list only and not display all passwords saved for a website?


  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    [quote name='Topher75' timestamp='1311520949' post='33699']

    One item that is not working correctly is the "Never Display in Browser" option. This option is very important to me, since I don't want to expose all of my clients when logging in.

    Any ETA when this will be fixed or how to access the list only and not display all passwords saved for a website?


    What is your browser/extension? I cannot recreate this problem in Safari 5.1.
  • [quote name='roustem' timestamp='1311521641' post='33705']

    What is your browser/extension? I cannot recreate this problem in Safari 5.1.


    Browser is Safari Version 5.1 (7534.48.3)

    Extension 3.6.5.BETA-30

    With the old version any login's that I had assigned the "For HTTP Auth Prompts Only" would not display in the password list, but would in the "All Login's" list.
  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    [quote name='Topher75' timestamp='1311872342' post='34692']

    With the old version any login's that I had assigned the "For HTTP Auth Prompts Only" would not display in the password list, but would in the "All Login's" list.


    Ah, I see what you mean. I managed to recreate this as well.

    I could easily hide the Logins that have this setting, but then you wouldn't be able to see them for copy and pasting the password. Now that we cannot support Safari Basic Auth prompts, copy and paste is needed, so I don't think this setting is applicable any longer.

    I need to think it over, but I think we should remove this setting from 1Password.
  • For every client I have I also have a username/password to their account and the login page is the same for all clients. So when I go to the login page and click the 1pass extension button all login's (well the name of the account) are exposed which is not a good thing (I don't like exposing my client list to other clients). So before I would only display my test account login's and click the search option for the client's account info. This was a nice feature to have.

    Now if I select do not display, the account won't even display in the "all" list.
  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    Thanks for sharing your use case, Topher75. It's very helpful to understand how you used this in your daily workflow. We'll see what we can do.
  • Or another way to think about this is have an option so the account doesn't display in the "Logins for this site" but would display in the "All Logins" list. Perhaps this option you could control via the application and not worry about browser API support?
  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    [quote name='Topher75' timestamp='1311874419' post='34707']

    Or another way to think about this is have an option so the account doesn't display in the "Logins for this site" but would display in the "All Logins" list. Perhaps this option you could control via the application and not worry about browser API support?


    Good idea. We'll play with it more and see what works best.