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"data not avalaible" issue

franconi Junior Member
I upgraded to Safari 5.1, upgraded to latest 1password (beta and freshly downloaded), tried the suggested way to upgrade the Safari extension (and, yes, 1Password is unlocked), to no avail: I am still getting the dreaded "data not available" error.

What should I do?




  • pnh
    pnh Junior Member
    I posted about this myself yesterday in another thread, but never got an answer from anybody. Like the poster above, since upgrading to Lion I've been completely unable to get past the "Data not available, please open and unlock 1Password app" bug.

    I have followed the instructions posted here a dozen times. I've uninstalled the 1Password Safari extension, quit Safari, launched 1Password, made sure I was using the very latest version of 1Password, clicked the "install Safari extension" button, gone to a website that requires a login, clicked the "1P" button on my Safari toolbar, entered my master 1Password password, and...bang.

    I have also made sure that all the check boxes in the "Locking" section of 1Password's preferences are unchecked, as instructed. Nothing has made any difference.

    I have even completely uninstalled and reinstalled 1Password from scratch. I've done a complete "reset" of Safari, and deleted every other Safari extension. And I've engaged in all the venerable dead-chicken-waving practices known to longtime Mac users who aren't actually trained technical people. Cleared caches. Checked permissions. Repaired permissions. Restarted my computer over and over again. Nothing.

    Clearly, many people are managing to get far enough into 1Password with Lion/Safari 5.1 that they actually have problems with particular sites. I would like to get to the point of having such problems myself. Can anyone offer any suggestions?
  • roustem
    roustem AgileBits Founder
    When is unlocked is can send its data to the Safari extension. It seems that something broken in your case.

    Please open and see if there are any new messages happening after you unlock 1Password application.
  • franconi
    franconi Junior Member
    25/07/2011 01:02:36 1Password[33801] Error loading /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Numerics.osax/Contents/MacOS/Numerics: dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Numerics.osax/Contents/MacOS/Numerics, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:

    /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Numerics.osax/Contents/MacOS/Numerics: no matching architecture in universal wrapper

    25/07/2011 01:02:36 [0x0-0x4fc4fc].ws.agile.1Password[33801] 1Password: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Numerics.osax" declares no loadable handlers.

    25/07/2011 01:02:36 1Password[33801] Error loading /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Satimage.osax/Contents/MacOS/Satimage: dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Satimage.osax/Contents/MacOS/Satimage, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:

    /Library/ScriptingAdditions/Satimage.osax/Contents/MacOS/Satimage: no matching architecture in universal wrapper

    25/07/2011 01:02:36 [0x0-0x4fc4fc].ws.agile.1Password[33801] 1Password: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/Satimage.osax" declares no loadable handlers.

    25/07/2011 01:02:36 [0x0-0x4fc4fc].ws.agile.1Password[33801] 1Password: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition "/Library/ScriptingAdditions/XMLLib.osax" declares no loadable handlers.

    25/07/2011 01:02:36 [0x0-0x4fc4fc].ws.agile.1Password[33801] 1Password: OpenScripting.framework - scripting addition "/users/franconi/Library/ScriptingAdditions/YouHelper.osax" declares no loadable handlers.

    25/07/2011 01:02:36 1Password[33801] Error loading /Library/ScriptingAdditions/XMLLib.osax/Contents/MacOS/XMLLib: dlopen(/Library/ScriptingAdditions/XMLLib.osax/Contents/MacOS/XMLLib, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:

    /Library/ScriptingAdditions/XMLLib.osax/Contents/MacOS/XMLLib: no matching architecture in universal wrapper

    25/07/2011 01:02:36 1Password[33801] Performance: Please update this scripting addition to supply a value for ThreadSafe for each event handler: "/users/franconi/Library/ScriptingAdditions/SpiceShaker.osax"

    25/07/2011 01:02:36 1Password[33801] Error loading /users/franconi/Library/ScriptingAdditions/YouHelper.osax/Contents/MacOS/YouHelper: dlopen(/users/franconi/Library/ScriptingAdditions/YouHelper.osax/Contents/MacOS/YouHelper, 262): no suitable image found. Did find:

    /users/franconi/Library/ScriptingAdditions/YouHelper.osax/Contents/MacOS/YouHelper: no matching architecture in universal wrapper

    25/07/2011 01:02:36 1Password[33801] reloadAllObjects

    25/07/2011 01:02:36 1Password[33801] Database (AGHtmlDatabase:file://localhost/Users/franconi/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain/) load time [NSOperationQueue]: 0.079+0.014 (804 objects)

    25/07/2011 01:02:37 1Password[33801] reloadAllObjects

    25/07/2011 01:02:37 1Password[33801] Database (AGHtmlDatabase:file://localhost/Users/franconi/Dropbox/1Password/1Password.agilekeychain/) load time [NSOperationQueue]: 0.114+0.003 (804 objects)

    25/07/2011 01:02:37 SIMBL Agent[212] warning: failed to get scripting definition from /Applications/-Programs/Utilities/; it may not be scriptable.

    25/07/2011 01:02:38 1Password[33801] Error loading /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/GreaseKit.bundle/Contents/MacOS/GreaseKit: dlopen(/Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/GreaseKit.bundle/Contents/MacOS/GreaseKit, 265): no suitable image found. Did find:

    /Library/Application Support/SIMBL/Plugins/GreaseKit.bundle/Contents/MacOS/GreaseKit: no matching architecture in universal wrapper

    25/07/2011 01:02:41 1Password[33801] MDS Error: unable to create user DBs in /var/folders/A6/A64tBflvFXKWa6Rg48PiLk+++TI/-Caches-//mds

    25/07/2011 01:02:41 1Password[33801] MDS Error: unable to create user DBs in /var/folders/A6/A64tBflvFXKWa6Rg48PiLk+++TI/-Caches-//mds

    25/07/2011 01:02:41 1Password[33801] MDS Error: unable to create user DBs in /var/folders/A6/A64tBflvFXKWa6Rg48PiLk+++TI/-Caches-//mds

    25/07/2011 01:02:41 1Password[33801] MDS Error: unable to create user DBs in /var/folders/A6/A64tBflvFXKWa6Rg48PiLk+++TI/-Caches-//mds

    25/07/2011 01:02:41 1Password[33801] MDS Error: unable to create user DBs in /var/folders/A6/A64tBflvFXKWa6Rg48PiLk+++TI/-Caches-//mds

    25/07/2011 01:02:41 1Password[33801] MDS Error: unable to create user DBs in /var/folders/A6/A64tBflvFXKWa6Rg48PiLk+++TI/-Caches-//mds
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks, franconi!

    I will pass this along to roustem. In the mean time, I had the same trouble and a restart cleared it up for me. Does that work for you?

    We are still trying to track down the cause of this in every case.

    Thanks for your help!
  • franconi
    franconi Junior Member
    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1311652223' post='34026']

    In the mean time, I had the same trouble and a restart cleared it up for me. Does that work for you?


    What apparently worked at the end was setting back the locking and then unlocking again 1P, together with a restart. Together with touching a red object <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Haha! Cheers! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_bigsmile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-D' />