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binaryeric Senior Member
edited December 1969 in Mac
Does the new extension feature of Safari 5 give AWS the necessary access to build the 1P button and access? I'm guessing that we will see this extension feature migrate to iOS Safari in the future, hopefully the fall, to provide functionality to the iPad, so I'm hoping that the answer is yes!

Are you planning on moving to an extension model and away from your current method for integrating into Safari in Snow Leopard?


  • Nik
    edited December 1969
    We are happy to have new technologies at our disposal, but we can't share anything specific at this time.
  • binaryeric
    binaryeric Senior Member
    edited December 1969
    It's just *awesome* that every small software company in the world has decided that Apple's irritatingly smug response to any question about what they are doing even 1 minute into the future is now the gold standard to follow.
  • Nik
    edited December 1969
    Actually, it's just that I didn't want to leave you hanging without a response and our developers are at WWDC. Only they can properly answer your question. I apologise for whatever attitude you perceived in my answer.
  • binaryeric
    binaryeric Senior Member
    edited December 1969
    [quote name='justG']Actually, it's just that I didn't want to leave you hanging without a response and our developers are at WWDC. Only they can properly answer your question. I apologise for whatever attitude you perceived in my answer.[/QUOTE]

    Gita, I understand that YOU may not know the details of future plans... but saying "we can't share anything specific at this time" does not communicate that idea. It communicates that you know exactly what the future plans are but don't want to tell me in case:

    1. they are cancelled

    2. they get better and you have something better to share later

    3. the building burns down

    4. Chad wins the lottery and quits

    5. Bruce Schneier determines that all encryption is useless because he can crack it all with his mind.

    6. I work for KeePass

    7. I hold you to it.

    among other options... :)
  • Nik
    edited December 1969
    [quote name='binaryeric']Gita, I understand that YOU may not know the details of future plans... but saying "we can't share anything specific at this time" does not communicate that idea.[/QUOTE]

    You're right. I'm sorry for not communicating that clearly.