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Safari 5.1 plugin beta 30: impossible to manually save some logins?

f00f Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">1P 3.6.5 on OSX 10.6.8</div>[i]Note: I don't use the 1P toolbar button at all. It appears that the behavior of the 1P extension widget varies depending on the presence or lack thereof of this button. When the 1P button is on the toolbar, option-command-\ shows "All Logins" even for sites for which I have a Login. If the 1P toolbar button is not shown on the toolbar, the widget shows "Logins for this Site" (even for sites for which I do not have a Login). Ughggh. The remainder of this post is written with the button [u]NOT on the toolbar[/u].[/i]

I honestly kind of regret installing Safari 5.1 so soon. In any case, I have "autosave of Logins" disabled in 1P. If I need to save a login I hit that option-command-\ combo and hope & pray that the "save login" button feels like doing what it's advertising it's capable of doing. More often than not it does absolutely nothing.

This appears to be an issue mostly on sites for which I already have Logins saved -- but not all such sites. For example I have 4 Login entries for Google. I went to in attempt to save a new fifth Login. Magically, it worked, although it saved the Login as a [i]brand spankin' new Login [/i] without [u]at all[/u] offering to overwrite any of the existing four Logins I already have. (This is different from previous versions of 1P and if it was a design decision I personally don't agree with it.)

Google seems to behave, by my favorite Mac news site -- -- does not. I already have a single existing Login item for MR. Today I went to save a new one by filling in the login information at and hitting the option-command-\ combo and clicking save login. Nada. The 1P extension window disappeared after clicking the save login button without any confirmation or error whatsoever -- [i]but it did not save any information.[/i] This brings me to another point: there really needs to be some sort of confirmation that the Login was saved (or not saved!)

BTW, did you notice that if you repeatedly press the option-command-\ combo on some sites, the content of the browser will scroll down bit by bit? Try it at and tell me what's up with that? ([i]This does not happen with the 1P button the toolbar![/i])

I know you guys are working your arses off on this extension and I as a user appreciate it, but it's crazy quirky right now. I look forward to the day when it's as solid as 1P of old was.




  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey Keith,

    At this time, you will need to have the 1P toolbar button present in the toolbar to use the Safari extension as it was designed. We are working on this and thank you for your patience!