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Firefox 5 support replaces Firefox 3 in 1Password 3.6

<div class="IPBDescription">Please use 1Password 3.5 if you require support for older browsers</div>informed by MacUpdate that new version of 1PW available (using Snow Leapord on my iMac). DL & installed, caused FF (using FF 3.6.18) to crash X3, went to trash put 1PW 3.5.9 back on my dock, removed 3.6 - now 1PW on my dock shows 1PW "old" but am afraid to re-install and re-launch 3.6....

Anyone else having similar problems?



  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    edited June 2011
    Hi Tuni,

    I'm sorry about the crash. It sounds like Firefox 3.6 may have loaded the 1Password extension designed specifically for Firefox 4 in Firefox 3. Please note that starting with 1Password 3.6, we have dropped the support for Firefox 3. Only Firefox 4 and 5 will be supported with 1Password 3.6. If you'd like to use 1Password 3.6, you should upgrade to Firefox 5 as it is a bit more secure than Firefox 3.6 and contains many improvements.

    If you'd like to stick with Firefox 3.6, you should use 1Password 3.5.9 until you're ready to upgrade to Firefox 5. You can remove the 1Password 3.6 off your dock, the application will not affect your data file, which is stored separately from your application files.

    I hope this helps a bit. Please let me know if you have additional questions about this.
  • swanvestas
    swanvestas Junior Member
    In 1Password (V 3.6.5) the Firefox extension is incompatible with the version Firefox (V 3.6.19) (which I prefer over the newer versions) AND when I select "Install Firefox Extension" from the Browser tab of Preferences, 1Password tries to open the Windows version of Firefox in my Parallels virtual machine. The only fix I could find was to downgrade to 1Password 3.5.13 (This was after downgrading to many early versions of Firefox - dating to November 2010)

    I also find the new implementation of the Safari 5 Extension to be really annoying and intrusive. What happened to the simplicity of the drop-down from the menu and the easy selection from that list?


    Macbook Pro i5/4gb ram

    Lion 10.7
  • Macpro
    edited July 2011
    I foolishly went to FF 5.n and it proceeded to lock up constantly so I scrammed it and reloaded FF3.6 - works great again.

    However, I had a full, functioning toolbar with 1Pass while it was up which was a TRIAL 1Pass2 upgraded to 3.6.

    Now back with FF3.6, my 1Pass trial 3.6 expired so I bought and got the license and installed it but it does not give me a toolbar across the top as it used to. Got spoiled.

    How to get this working? I do NOT use Safari so I have little use for it.

    Anyway, where is the toolbar in FF 3.6 running on Snow Leopard? thanks

    12 hours later...

    I have followed all the tutorials and started and restarted and terminal windowed and new profiled, and so on ad nauseum... Can I get my money back???

    Last look at the online banking this afternoon, Agilebits had not yet taken out my $40 but I sure they have by now (0135CST)... This is ridiculous!!! Life is just too short. Guess I will go back to some other software like ... what? Roboform? Last Pass ?? I really hate this! This is worse than beta testing vaporware back in the late '80s.
  • I installed Lion. Noticed that the 1password icon disappeared from Firefox's menu..

    Tried to reinstall but the message is that 1Password extension for firefox 5 is not compatible with firefox 3.6.13.

    Any Solutions?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited July 2011
    Welcome to the forums, MacEef, Macpro, and swanvestas!

    I'm sorry that I couldn't reply sooner, but the release of Lion has kept us pretty busy lately. We are working about the clock to provide support and updates. We normally reply within 24 hours (or less), but we have not been able to do so lately. Again, I'm really sorry about that, but I'd love to get everything sorted out for you.

    Part way through the development of 1Password for Mac 3.6, we realized that we had to make critical internal changes to properly support customers running the latest of everything: the soon to be released OS X Lion, Snow Leopard, and the latest versions of Firefox. Because of that turning point, Firefox 3 is not able to be supported in 1Password for Mac 3.6.0 or higher.

    Of course if you are able to use the latest version of Firefox, currently version 5, then we'd highly recommend this and you can get the latest version of Firefox here:

    Once you have downloaded and installed the latest version of Firefox, go to the 1Password Menu > Preferences > Browsers and check the box next to Firefox.

    If you have to use Firefox 3 with 1Password for any reason, you'll need to downgrade to the version of 1Password (3.5) that still supports Firefox 3:

    Be sure to quit 1Password and all your browsers. Drag the newly downloaded version of 1Password to the same location as any previous one -- replacing it. Run the new copy of 1Password once before launching any of your browsers and go to the 1Password Menu > Preferences > Browsers. Check the box next to Firefox 3 and disable the one for Firefox 4 if you don't use it. Open your browser and 1Password should be there now.

    Macpro, a refund is no problem and we can issue it immediately if you wish. Before we do, I'd love the opportunity to help you get everything working well.

    I have extended your money back guarantee to 60 days, so that you have plenty of time to get things working properly. We look forward to hearing how we can help.

    Thanks so much!
  • MacEef
    edited August 2011
    did it...

    works perfectly again.

    thanx for helping out
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    It is always my pleasure to help, MacEef! I'm glad things are working well for you. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    If we can be of further assistance, please let us know.

    We are always here to help!