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Schwab autosubmit issue

New extension: 3.6.5Beta-30. It was working okay on 28. As usual, copy and paste works fine.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey rbpeirce,

    I'm not certain I completely understand the issue. Could you provide some more details about what steps you are taking, what you are expecting to see, and what you are actually seeing? If there is something visual, perhaps a screen shot would help.

    I am not able to reproduce any problems filling

    Thanks for your help here!
  • [quote name='khad' timestamp='1311844527' post='34595']

    I'm not certain I completely understand the issue. Could you provide some more details about what steps you are taking, what you are expecting to see, and what you are actually seeing? If there is something visual, perhaps a screen shot would help.


    On BETA-28 I could auto-submit my login and it worked. On BETA-30 Schwab wants me to re-register. However, I used your Citi suggestion to never auto-submit and it worked. That may be the cure for all problems until auto-submit is working again.
  • I had the same issue with Schwab site using B-30. Using 1P, Schwab would not only not load but Schwab site would not recognize me and would send me to their Register For New Online Account Service. I uninstalled B-30 went back to B-28 so I could now at least get back online w/Schwab.
  • The solution seems to be to disable auto-login on the offending sites -- Schwab and Citi for me. However, I discovered there is a global preference item to disable auto-login so I unchecked it. That way I don't have to remember which individual logins I turned off. Now I do not seem to be having any more problems and when the auto-login issue is corrected I need only check the single box.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Aha! Thanks for following up on this, rbpierce. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    [url=""]From the troubleshooting guide[/url]:

    [indent]If the site doesn’t log you in afterward, please try turning off autosubmit. Open the main 1Password application and edit the login to change the Submit value from “If Autosubmit is ON” to “Never”. This is required in some cases in which the website modifies the form before submitting it or is looking for a literal key press or mouse click before logging in. Turning off autosubmit for the individual Login will give you the chance to actually give them what they are looking for by submitting the form yourself rather than allowing 1Password to attempt it on your behalf.[/indent]

    We are working to improve autosubmit everywhere. Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with.
