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How to fix broken Logins

diitto Junior Member
Hi... Wow... I really like 1Password (version 3.6.5, build 31075) and have been using it for quite a long time now... But this move over to OS X Lion and the new Safari extension has tossed me and all my logins into quite a messed up state... Some of my logins work but many are now broken... Whether it's OS X Lion, or the new Safari with 1Password's new Extension??? Not sure... All I know is all my logins worked a week ago (pre-Lion)... Now, maybe half work... One of the most amazing ones is one website that used to login to one of my credit cards from bank abc now open to a completely different credit card from the same bank abc (different credit card, not the one I have) and to make matters worse it opens into the Spanish version of the credit card site..... My, my...

But here is where I've always had a problem with 1Password.. I obviously want and need to fix that login... But even with the old style browser plugin that had a "save login" feature (gone now in Safari but still existing in Firefox) I could never get 1Password to offer to save the login until I completely deleted the old, existing login... You know, 1Password looks for "similar logins" and if it finds one it keeps trying to enter that one... But if that one is broken??? Well, do you have to first go through and purge any "like" logins before 1Password will let you save a new login for that site???? And how do you do this AT ALL in the new Safari Extension??? Do you have to first delete the existing login???

I don't think you should have to completely delete what worked yesterday before you try to fix something that broke today... Sometimes there is information in that old login that I am not ready to toss and so I have to go to the trouble to copy and paste info from that old login and then I toss it...

Anyway, please give some feedback on the proper way (using Safari as my default browser) to "redo" or "fix" a previously functional but now broken 1Password login...

thanks... bob...


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    edited July 2011
    [quote]Hi... Wow... I really like 1Password (version 3.6.5, build 31075) and have been using it for quite a long time now... But this move over to OS X Lion and the new Safari extension has tossed me and all my logins into quite a messed up state... Some of my logins work but many are now broken... Whether it's OS X Lion, or the new Safari with 1Password's new Extension??? Not sure... All I know is all my logins worked a week ago (pre-Lion)... Now, maybe half work... One of the most amazing ones is one website that used to login to one of my credit cards from bank abc now open to a completely different credit card from the same bank abc (different credit card, not the one I have) and to make matters worse it opens into the Spanish version of the credit card site..... My, my... [/quote]

    Hey bob, [url=""]this is a known issue with the Citi Card site[/url]. We are working to resolve this! Sorry for the trouble.

    [url=""]From the troubleshooting guide[/url], please try re-saving the logins manually like this:

    1. Enter your username and password, but DO NOT submit the form.

    2. Click the 1Password button in your browser's toolbar, and choose Save Login.

    Manually saving a login can be useful for logins that are either problematic to begin with or were once working but have since stopped. Doing this allows 1Password to refresh everything it "knows" about the page. Login pages often change as websites are updated and this can be a necessary but very useful tip. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.

  • diitto
    diitto Junior Member
    edited August 2011
    Hi... Thanks for the feedback... I will give what you suggested a try soon and will report back if I have issues... For the moment, because I'm having so many issues using 1Password with Safari, I have switched over and for the time being set Firefox to be my default browser... I'm having better luck with Firefox and 1Password, at least for now... I do have one interesting question... I keep finding the documents in the trash with the following names... firefox4@1password where I have changed the numbers toward the right to simply be 123456789... What is that document that I keep finding multiple versions of in the trash??? thanks... bob...
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for following up on this, Bob.

    Many "cleaner" applications have been known to delete files on a whim, and we have seen many cases where these types of programs have deleted our customers 1Password data.

    We have found that "ClamXav" was the culprit in one case that sounds similar to yours.

    [url=""]From their website[/url], "ClamXav Sentry provides the ability to watch folders for changes to their contents." If you have ClamXav installed I suspect that if you disable it temporarily you will find that 1Password's Firefox extension will remain intact and everything works the way you expect it to. It may be another "antivirus" or "security" application in your case, but the evidence seems consistent with what I have seen from ClamXav.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.

  • diitto
    diitto Junior Member
    edited August 2011
    Hmmm... I don't have ClamXav installed on my machine... Nor can I think of what other software I have running that might be doing this... But say more about what might be happening... Are you saying that the presence of these files showing up in my trash says that I'm losing needed 1Password data??? That would seem to be quite a bad thing... I haven't noticed any such data loss... How would I know??? thanks... bob..
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer

    I am sorry for not being more clear in my earlier post. The files you mention are only 1Password's [i]Firefox extension[/i]. This is separate from your data. Only going by what you have told me, it does not sound like your actual data is being harmed in any way. I only mention your data file to stress the gravity of the situation when using the "cleaner" applications which are intended to keep things tidy but can [i]in some cases[/i] overstep their bounds. If you are not using one of those kinds of applications — it is good that you are not — then the appearance of the Firefox extension files in your trash is a bit puzzling. Is this a regular occurrence or did it only happen once? If you empty the trash, do you find these files in there again?

    Please let me know. I would love to get this resolved for you.

  • diitto
    diitto Junior Member
    edited August 2011
    Hi... It's happened at least twice... The one I mentioned in an earlier post had numbers between "firefox4@1password" and the word ".com"... More recently I am seeing ones with the simpler name " (with no number)... And I can open the small file with a text editor and what I see is simply a path to what appears to be that same file,

    /Users/myusername/Library/Application Support/1Password/Extensions/31083/

    That make any sense to you??? thanks...
  • MartyS
    MartyS AgileBits Customer Care (retired)
    edited August 2011
    The numbers in the filenames you're seeing are perfectly expected for something found in the Trash. You'll see something similar if you use the Finder to delete file "A" from one location, and then delete file "A" from another location on the same disk/partition. No two files named "A" from the same disk/partition can be in the Trash at the same time so they're assigned unique names if "A" already is there. When you're seeing "just" it's because it was the first one put into the Trash.

    The contents you see are also just fine: this file is in essence an alias with a constant name that lives in your Firefox profile's extensions folder, and it points back to your account's copy of the extension itself.

    So the real question becomes: how often does this happen, and why would your 1Password integration for Firefox be removed like that. It's likely for perfectly explainable situations but since normal operations aren't logged anywhere, it's unlikely that there would ever be any evidence saying what part of 1Password or Firefox has decided to put this into your Trash. Perhaps you can recall steps you're taking before you see this file show up in your Trash the next time and from that we may be able to piece together how it came to be that way. Please let us know if you can reproduce this on demand by some means other than telling 1Password or Firefox to remove it for you.
  • diitto
    diitto Junior Member
    edited August 2011
    Hi... I will try to start watching to see what puts these strange files in my trash... I haven't done that yet... But I can report that in the past two days I have found two of these files in the trash, one called "firefox4@1password" and one called "firefox5@1password"... I don't think I've ever seen a number less than 4...

    Strange files I've never seen before... I will now try to more carefully monitor the trash but that's not an easy thing to remember to do (every moment).. I will holler with what I can discover, if anything... thanks... bob..
  • [Deleted User]
    edited August 2011
    Hey Bob,

    We'll be here if you need us!

