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New Version Feedback

joco Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Like previous version much better</div>What did you guys do with 1Password? Did you guys have a TimeMachine failure and release some old code?

Seriously, the old way of using 1Password in Safari was much better... you could easily see all your logins. I didnt get prompted on every new web session to login to 1Password.

And most importantly it worked with standard login windows. Now there is no way to fill in logins that use the standard login window.

Please go back to the old version!!!



  • ronwasserman
    ronwasserman Junior Member
    [quote name='joco' timestamp='1311781652' post='34374']

    What did you guys do with 1Password? Did you guys have a TimeMachine failure and release some old code?

    Seriously, the old way of using 1Password in Safari was much better... you could easily see all your logins. I didnt get prompted on every new web session to login to 1Password.

    And most importantly it worked with standard login windows. Now there is no way to fill in logins that use the standard login window.

    Please go back to the old version!!!



    I have to agree although I think you're being a bit harsh.

    I liked the old version much better. It's functionality was simpler and more intuitive. I'm hoping you can give end users an option to use the 'classic' UI because with the current functionality, I think it's safe to say you're going to start losing business.
  • JayBe
    edited July 2011
    Just to be clear, the below applies to 10.6 ONLY. If you're running 10.7 then neither option will work for you.

    Actually I have two possible solutions both have their downsides but both solve the Safari Extension (beta) and at least some of my issues with 1Password. I don't mind running the latest build and extension on my test system but need it to "just work" on my main machines. Here are two options (use at your own risk):

    Option 1 : Download, install and run the WebKit nightly build. This is, for all purposes, Safari 5.1. It is a nightly, which means you'll have to update frequently and it's important to know that the WebKit browser is really a test bed for future versions of Safari. But...if you remove the 1P Safari extension you can run it in "old" mode since 1P still supports WebKit using (apparently) Scripting Additions. Whether this works on Lion I'll need to test but it works fine on Snow Leopard. Where do you get WebKit? Search using your favorite search engine, read their very important notices, download and enjoy. The best part is that WebKit will seamlessly work with your Safari settings and bookmarks. Minimal fuss.

    Option 2 : Install Safari 5.0.3. MacWorld just posted a "how to" on this ("Reverting Safari 5.1 to 5.0.3"). Like Option 1 it's not for the faint of heart in that you will be working outside the norm and are on your own. MacWorld states that 5.0.3 runs on Lion though I haven't tested this, besides which if the underpinnings for Scripting Additions in Safari are gone in Lion, Safari 5.0.3 ain't gonna work any better so this option might not be worth the effort.
  • Examinus
    Examinus Junior Member
    There's an FAQ page explaining why the Safari extension was update to its current form here:

    Ultimately though the old version hooked into Safari via a method that Apple disabled late into the development of Lion. That means the extension had to be written from scratch (or perhaps, maybe, transplant the code from the Chrome extension) in order to give any Lion support at all.
  • Makes me miss Windows
  • Examinus
    Examinus Junior Member
    [quote name='mgauss7' timestamp='1311804718' post='34420']

    Makes me miss Windows


    Did it break your keyboard?
  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    I'm sorry to hear this, mgauss7.

    I'm guessing this is related to the Safari 5.1 update, correct? If so, we've been working hard on updating the Safari extension and have made a lot of progress over the last week. We had a blog post on Sunday that covers 9 improvements to the original version:

    [url=]Big Safari extension updates and a sneak peek[/url]

    And just an hour ago we posted another blog detailing several other big improvements:

    [url=]1Password for Mac betas bring Universal Unlock, Copy to Clipboard, more[/url]

    Please try the latest and greatest versions and hopefully we already fixed your major issues with the new extension. If not, let us know and we'll try to help!
  • geochapman
    geochapman Junior Member
    edited July 2011
    I hate the little window and the fact there's no place to open the program from the pull down window unless I missed something and the screen that shows all the logins is so compact. Bring back the old format. If I knew this I would not have upgraded.

    I agree the usefulness of the 1P has disappeared and I hope it is brought back. The old way was great. Also the window is not good.
  • I miss the old UI too, and not just because I really dislike the IOS 'look' it's been given - not all of us are in love with iPhones and iPads. As for some of the functionality <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' /> though to be fair on Agile it sounds like a lot of the changes are a reaction to what Apple themselves are doing.
  • I have been using 1password for years and have always loved it and never thought of using another password manager for a second. That being said, I have recently become impatient with waiting around for bugs to be worked out and for stuff to work that used to work in the past work again for example like htaccess login filling in firefox, what happened to this as it just seems to have went away and no longer works.

    Then you have the constant updating of new browsers like Chrome and Firefox and waiting around for 1password extension to work on new browser version number. On Firefox a popup came up and said that it strongly urged me to update to the latest Firefox Beta version, so I do and 1password does not work once again just like the last time I updated to the Firefox beta version because I got same popup before urging me update to latest beta version. On Chrome, 1password has a very clean interface and I love it, yet when It never saves any logins without me having to open up 1password app and insert it then it is wasting valuable time during the day.

    I am testing out lastpass password manager right now and was blown away with the ease of use and how much simpler it makes things, I think 1password really should take note of how clean lastpass integrates with google chrome on mac os x running lion as just a few minutes into testing it out I saw things I dream 1password would do.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    There is no longer a way to use the old extension going forward. Some technical changes in Safari 5.1 and Lion prevent us from using the code from the past five years. It all had to be scrapped. That is why we started from scratch and are working to make the new extension even better than it ever was before. It won't happen overnight, but I have never worked with such a tireless team. They are working around the clock. Have you seen all the updates they cranked out in the past week? Awesome stuff.


    [*]Universal Unlock: Now when you unlock the 1Password app, the new Safari extension will follow suit

    [*]Copy to Clipboard from the extension: Opening the 1Password app just to copy a password for a Flash site? Old ‘n busted. In the new extension you can now find a Login, click the right arrow (or hit your right arrow key) to view its details, and click the new “Copy” button next to your password for easier pasting

    [*]Go & Fill/All Logins typing focus works again: After using Command-Option-\ to invoke Go & Fill, keyboard focus will be placed in the search field to keep you going and filling as quickly as possible

    [*]Much-improved AutoSubmit: Go to System Preferences > Universal Access > Enable Access for Assistive Devices, and 1Password will perform much better at automatically logging you in

    [*]Auto-Lock settings now respected: Our new extension will once again obey your preferences under 1Password > Preferences > Security for automatically locking your data file

    [*]Lock 1Password from the command line: For the power users in the audience, you can now lock 1Password from the command line with: “open x-onepassword-agent://lock”

    [*]Single-Stroke Login is back: If you only have one Login for a site, hitting the default Command-\ shortcut will now skip the extension interface and log you in right away

    [*]Go & Fill is back: Right-clicking the Dock icon or clicking an item’s URL from the 1Password app will now open the site in a new tab in Safari and log you in

    [*]Performance improved across the board: We’ve made big advances in speeding up the loading of our new extension and keyboard shortcut responsiveness

    [*]Extension now works on blank pages, Top Sites: You can now trigger our extension with our keyboard shortcuts if you’re on a blank page, Safari’s Top Sites, or even if the keyboard focus is in the Address Bar

    [*]Autosubmit settings now respected: If you’ve customized a Login’s Autosubmit settings in 1Password, the new Safari extension now respects that setting

    [*]1Click Bookmarks are back: If you’ve created one or more 1Click Bookmarks, they should now work again

    [*]The extension is now a popover: Apple introduced popovers as a new interface element on iPad, and they were such a hit that it brought them to Mac in OS X Lion. We’ve found that a popover is a great way to display more of your 1Password data inside the browser so you don’t have to stop what you’re doing to open the main app if you don’t want to

    [*]No longer resizes when using Safari 5.1′s Zoom features: Some Safari users like to take advantage of its clever View > Zoom In/Out/Text Only features, and an earlier version of our extension would resize itself according to those settings. Not anymore

    [*]Auto-Submit greatly improved: We’ve done a lot of work to improve the new extension’s ability to submit forms, and sites like and should work again


    [quote]I hate the little window and the fact there's no place to open the program from the pull down window unless I missed something and the screen that shows all the logins is so compact. Bring back the old format. If I knew this I would not have upgraded.[/quote]

    We are looking at the way to open 1Password from the extension, this is mostly a design issue. As a workaround, you can type "x-onepassword://" in Safari location bar and then drag-and-drop it to the bookmark bar and name it "Launch 1Password”.

    [quote]On Firefox a popup came up and said that it strongly urged me to update to the latest Firefox Beta version[/quote]

    Firefox will only update to beta versions if you are in the beta channel. Only stable browser versions are supported by 1Password. You can always download the current stable release of any browser and simply install it over the beta version to restore 1Password. Beta versions are for developers and people who [i]want[/i] to test things. Like myself, it sounds like you would prefer to not do this. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    [quote]On Chrome, 1password has a very clean interface and I love it, yet when It never saves any logins[/quote]

    Please start another thread for this. I wold love to get is resolved, but a generic thread for feedback on the new version isn't the best place to address this. It sounds like something is not configured properly on your particular machine.

    [quote] I saw things I dream 1password would do.[/quote]

    Anything specific? Please let me know. We love feedback, but "I don't like it" and "I prefer the old way" are kind of difficult to work with... <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_worried.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':S' /> If you have some specific suggestions, I would love to pass them along to the developers! If the above list isn't enough of an indication, please be assured that the pace of updates right now is quite rapid. It is taking a bit longer with the sheer volume of it, but we are listening and responding to all of our customers. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_bigsmile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-D' />

    Thanks again for posting what you have already, folks. I know you wouldn't have taken the time if you weren't passionate about 1Password.

  • I have to agree. I have been a very satisfied 1Password user for several years and I'm sorry to say that this latest version is a total piece of garbage. I am now trying to figure out how to revert back to the previous revision. Please provide a "classic" version or something. Otherwise, I will look for an alternative. This version really, really, really, sucks!!!! It is such a quantum leap backwards that it is impossible to list all of the things I hate about it. PLease go back!!
  • kuban89
    edited July 2011
    Sorry Dave, et all..

    You can't "fix" this. It's wrong on too many levels. All you're doing is making it more convoluted and more repulsive as you go. Go back and start over with new ideas. Simple is always better.

    The thing that made you always stand out was that you "got it". You got the whole user experience, a la Apple...

    This new interface is reminiscent of what Google and Microsoft put out, made by people who think just getting the code to work is good enough.

    Its' not and the users will not forgive you if you don't change your approach and let the brilliance of what once was the best password manager out there, shine through again.
  • I was all set to begin my comments with an old southern saying: "If it ain't broke, don't try to fix it." But after reading postings on this forum I now realize that change was necessary because of the new version of Safari, and possibly the release of Lion. But I heartedly agree with kuban89's comments.

    Here is my two cents list of things I don't like about the new version, and sorry if these have been mentioned already. I just want to be sure they are addressed.

    - It takes too many steps to auto-fill log-in user names and passwords. I don't want to see the big garish window that I have to click through twice every time I access the site. If I want to see all the info for a site, I will run the app itself.

    - There no longer seems to be any way to tell 1Password that I don't ever want to use it on some sites. The only choices seem to be to enter the 1Password password or to close the dialog box at the top of the browser window.

    - I now have to click the log-in button on some sites after 1Password enters the log-in info.
  • Agreed. I don't like the new extension either. Don't like that I cant launch the app from Safari, seems like the extension is always asking to save a password, and sometime (or at least one time today) didnt remember a password I saved (happened at Amazon this morning).

    It's very confusing. Liked the old interface better.

    In fact, I wish software developers would stop cramming new interfaces and releases down our throats. Everyone does it. Who has time to re-learn this stuff all over again.
  • TerriZeee
    TerriZeee Junior Member
    Can't you use the Services menu to restore the functionality that has been lost due to Apple removing Scripting Aditions?
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [quote name='heart-mountain' timestamp='1311937836' post='34896']

    I have to agree. I have been a very satisfied 1Password user for several years and I'm sorry to say that this latest version is a total piece of garbage. I am now trying to figure out how to revert back to the previous revision. Please provide a "classic" version or something. Otherwise, I will look for an alternative. This version really, really, really, sucks!!!! It is such a quantum leap backwards that it is impossible to list all of the things I hate about it. PLease go back!!


    Welcome to the forums, heart-mountain! Unfortunately, as stated earlier in the thread, it is not possible to use the old code any more due to the changes that Apple made. We are working to make the new extension even better than the old one but it won't happen immediately. We have did just release another update today and a new interface for the extension is just around the corner.

    If there is anything specific you don't like, please let me know.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [quote name='kuban89' timestamp='1311943059' post='34905']

    Go back and start over with new ideas. Simple is always better.[/quote]

    That is exactly what we are doing. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    Thanks for your passion here. I know you wouldn't post if you didn't love 1Password as much as we do. I think you will like the new interface when it is available.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Charles! Thanks for the feedback. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    [quote name='Charles Reeves Jr' timestamp='1311946616' post='34909']

    - It takes too many steps to auto-fill log-in user names and passwords. I don't want to see the big garish window that I have to click through twice every time I access the site. If I want to see all the info for a site, I will run the app itself.[/quote]

    The number of clicks are still the same: click 1P toolbar button, click the Login. If you want to log in even faster, simply press Command-\ on your keyboard. If you only have one Login for the site, you won't even see the new extension.

    [quote]- There no longer seems to be any way to tell 1Password that I don't ever want to use it on some sites. The only choices seem to be to enter the 1Password password or to close the dialog box at the top of the browser window.[/quote]

    This has been fixed in the latest version. Please be sure you are using at at least version 3.7.0 of 1Password. There is not a button in the browser just yet to "Never Save for this Site" but you can add domains to the "Avoid Autosave for These Domains" list ([b]Preferences > Logins[/b]) and you will never get an autosave prompt there.

    [quote]- I now have to click the log-in button on some sites after 1Password enters the log-in info.[/quote]

    We are working to improve autosubmit for some sites, but please be sure you are running the latest version of 1Password, go to [b]System Preferences > Universal Access[/b], and click "Enable Access For Assistive Devices" at the bottom of the window.

    This will improve autosubmit for many sites.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [quote name='thammer' timestamp='1311949949' post='34918']

    Agreed. I don't like the new extension either. Don't like that I cant launch the app from Safari,


    "Launch 1Password" should be available in the extension in a a future update. In the mean time, you can type "x-onepassword://" in Safari location bar and then drag-and-drop it to the bookmark bar and name it "Launch 1Password”.

    [quote] seems like the extension is always asking to save a password,[/quote]

    Please be sure you have [url=""]disabled Safari's AutoFill as outlined in the User Guide[/url]. There is a known issue with autosave when it is enabled.

    [quote] and sometime (or at least one time today) didnt remember a password I saved (happened at Amazon this morning).[/quote]

    This should certainly not be happening. If the extension data does not match the application data, though, [url=""]please try reinstalling the extension as listed in the User Guide for these cases[/url]. This should not be a regular occurrence, though. Please let me know if it happens again.

    [quote]It's very confusing. Liked the old interface better.[/quote]

    If we could have kept it we likely would have. Changes Apple made prevented this. We are making lemonade out of the lemons, though, and working to make the new extension even better than it ever was before. [url=""]You can see a sneak peek of the new interface on our blog.[/url]
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    [quote name='TerriZeee' timestamp='1311962780' post='34946']

    Can't you use the Services menu to restore the functionality that has been lost due to Apple removing Scripting Aditions?


    Nope. The new extension has a number of advantages, though. The code can be unified across all browsers for faster updates. It also supports automatic updates so you don't even have to launch 1Password or download a whole new application for an update. The extension just "automagically" gets all the goodies as we release them. (And, believe me, we have many goodies coming.) <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    I'm going to close this thread now since it is starting to sprawl and cover many, many different topics. We want to make sure that everyone's issue is addressed. I don't like the idea that something could slip between the cracks in a thread this large. It is just too much to keep up with (even working around the clock as we are).

    We love your feedback, and we love you. You all deserve special attention, and we have a better shot at providing that if you post in a thread which deals with the specific issue you are having (or start a new one if no such thread exists). <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';-)' />

This discussion has been closed.