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Feature Request: Sort each vault independently

om3ga777 Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">Sort Logins by date created, Accounts by type, etc.</div>This bugs me since I started using 1Password two years ago:

I want to set a different and independent type of sorting option for different types of data (accounts, logins, software, identities, individual folders, etc.). At the moment choosing one sorting option applies for everything.

Is this a feature somebody else considers useful or am I the only one?


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for asking about this. I also would find this useful! It doesn't bug me all the time, but I think that if it was implemented, I would use it a lot more. Having Generated Passwords sorted with the most recent at the top makes a whole lot of sense to me, but Logins are much easier to find for me when sorted alphabetically, etc., etc.

    I know the developers have their hands full right now, but I will mention to them. It would be very nice to have.

  • om3ga777
    om3ga777 Junior Member
    [quote name='khad' timestamp='1311922871' post='34864']

    Having Generated Passwords sorted with the most recent at the top makes a whole lot of sense to me, but Logins are much easier to find for me when sorted alphabetically, etc., etc.


    Exactly! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Would be really great, if that function was implemented - I guess that's not a huge task for your programming ninjas.