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1Password 3.6.5 issues with Safari 5.1 on Snow Leopard

edited July 2011 in Mac
Hi AgileBits Team,

I just wanted to say that I love your product. This last release with Safari 5.1 has been okay, but I wish it was better. Rather than just whine about this issues, I made an account to let you know of some of the issues I've been experiencing.

[b]Issue #1:[/b] I logged into a website last night that I haven't visited in a few months. It's saved in 1Password, but I decided to change the password as it wasn't a good one. So I changed the password using the new extension in Safari 5.1 by randomly generating one and copy-pasted it in the settings page. Once confirmed, I didn't get a "would you like to update your login" dialog. All that happened was the topbar popped up and it made me make a new login. So now I have two logins for the same site, with just different titles. So I deleted them both and decided to start again. I cut-pasted the new password and re-logged into the site. The topbar popped up and asked if I wanted to save the new login. I said yes and renamed it. Now in the 1Password app, when I do a search for the particular login ... only one instance pops up. But when I do a search on the Safari 5.1 extension, I see all three logins (all for the same username/password). I restarted Safari and 1Password. Nothing changed. I force quitted 1Password and the 1Password agent and still nothing. I even cleared the cache and rebuilt the data file in 1Password>Help>Troubleshooting.

[b]Issue #1 Solution:[/b] The only way I was able to fix this was by uninstalling the new extension Beta. I uninstalled the new extension and reinstalled the older one in 1Password>Preferences>Browsers. I'm not sure if you can fix this, but thought I would let you know about it.

[b]Issue #2:[/b] Whenever I save a new login, the title is different. It's not like the old version. The old version would take the browser title and name it that (e.g., if I saved something from ... it would say Yahoo in the title. With the new version, the title is something like this: or something like that. It's a little annoying, but nothing big. Just nitpicking here.

[b]Issue 3:[/b] Whenever I generate a password in the Safari 5.1 extension and use the fill button, it doesn't give the generated password a title when I go into the 1Password app. It's all blank except for the password. So the only way I can tell the difference between two generated passwords is the time they were generated. Old version used to give it a title using the main domain. If I generated a password from yahoo, I would get "" as the title and the URL of where I generated the password (e.g.,

Thanks for reading this and hope you can fix some of these issues. Let me know if I can be of more help.

- Mark


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Welcome to the forums, Mark! Thank you for the kind words and constructive feedback. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    1. It sounds like the extension was not in sync with the main application. The solution is exactly what you did: [url=""]reinstalling the extension as described in the troubleshooting guide for cases like this.[/url] [i]This should not be a regular occurrence, so please let me know if happens again.[/i]

    2. I'm not sure if he developers have settled on this or if the old naming convention is still in the works for the new extension. I prefer the old way myself as well. I will mention this to them on your behalf.

    3. This is a known issue which we hope to have resolved in an update soon. For now, I am sorting my Generates Password by "date created" since it is certainly much more difficult to find what I need until this is fixed.

    Please let me know if there is anything else I can help with.
