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Frozen/Blurry/Dimmed Safari Window + the "ask to save" issue

sdfirefighter Junior Member
Since I've upgraded to OSX Lion, I have fairly regularly experienced the following.

1. Generally while filling out an online form, the page will freeze, it get blurry/dimmed & I am unable to make any further entries. The browser commands don't work either (keyboard short cuts or clicking on arrows etc.) I have noticed this is usually after I have used 1 Password to log in, although I can't claim 100% correlation. Other open tabs or pages work just fine. This has occurred to me on many websites - from AT&T to Apple, to CitiBank, to a construction loan company. I posted on the Apple support forum & the suggestion received was that it probably being caused by a Safari extension. I only have 3 : 1Password, Clip to DEVON Think & Ghostery (which was disabled). They suggested disabling the extensions one at a time to determine if this was the cause. I rarely use the DEVON Think & the Ghostery was already disabled, disabling the 1Password pretty much kills the usefulness of the application, but I suppose I will try so that I can give Agile Bits the feedback.

2. I am constantly being asked to save passwords I have already saved (like the other thread folks) and I already had the Apple "Auto Save" username & passwords disabled.

3. It seems that the extension inputs aren't being accepted by the browser (when you click the extension, select the login, it's supposed to fill it, then send the request to the server of the website being visited) every time. I have had to manually reenter the password & then click the "enter" button on multiple site.

Agile Bits will surely patch this quickly, but in the mean time ugggh!!!!




  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey Aaron!

    [quote]Generally while filling out an online form, the page will freeze, it get blurry/dimmed & I am unable to make any further entries. [/quote]

    I am wondering if you are experiencing the pinch to zoom "feature" here. Does the entire content area of the web page get blurry and unresponsive? I found I was accidentally doing this on my MacBook Pro all the time since I use my index finger to "track" and thumb to click. If I wasn't careful, a "pinch" or "spread" was registered. Often it was very slight and resulted in something like a 1% zoom in or out (hence the blur). The page also became unresponsive. Try it yourself next time it happens. Perform a two-finger pinch to reset the zoom level back to the standard 100%.

    I know it's a long shot based on your brief description, but if I am correct my advice is to do what I did. Simply disable the feature in System Preferences. I just use ⌘- and ⌘+ if I need to zoom. Much less room for error. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />


    [quote]I am constantly being asked to save passwords I have already saved (like the other thread folks) and I already had the Apple "Auto Save" username & passwords disabled. [/quote]

    Could you provide some of the URLs where you are seeing this? We have not been able to reproduce this in the labs after Safari's own AutoFill is [b]disabled[/b]. Any further details you can provide would be much appreciated!

    [quote]It seems that the extension inputs aren't being accepted by the browser (when you click the extension, select the login, it's supposed to fill it, then send the request to the server of the website being visited) every time. I have had to manually reenter the password & then click the "enter" button on multiple site.[/quote]

    Again, the URLs are essential here. With trillions of websites out there it can be tricky to get 1Password to work on all of them, but with your help we keep trying. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

    Thanks for you help with this,