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1P Extension and App Have Trouble "Talking"

It seems that whenever my safari extension updates itself and I try to unlock it, I get a "data not found" error. The extension has a message about going into 1Password, unlocking it, and updating extension info. As soon as I open that, it tell me the extension isn't installed (but it is!).

It seems like the only way around this, right now, is to uninstall the extension in safari, and then go into 1Password and download the extension again. This downloads a very old extension, so I then need to manually upgrade it in Safari. Then the "data not found" error will go away. Kind of wonky.

P.S. Sorry if this is a duplicate thread/comment. I tried to search the forum for "data not found" but it wouldn't let me. Apparently you can't search the forum for any words under four characters.


  • jpgoldberg
    jpgoldberg Agile Customer Care

    One thing to keep in mind is that after you reinstall the Extension, you need to enter your 1Password master password into the 1Password application at least once before the application and the extension can talk about the data.

    If you see this problem even after you have unlocked 1Password at least once then it is possible that the component that does the talking, 1PasswordAgent, isn't doing its job. If this is the case, can I ask you to upgrade to our Beta version of 1Password, try again, and if you encounter the problem, go to [i]Help > Troubleshooting > Restart Agent[/i] in the 1Password menubar.

    Because of the increased security in Safari 5.1, we've had to entirely retool how we talk to it. Sorry about the teething pains. Even though many of us have been testing on Lion for six months, many of the problems only showed up after it was released to the public. But since that happened, we've been making enormous progress.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Also, please be sure you are fully quitting Safari 5.1 if you are using Lion.

    Step 6 of the "[url=""]How to install the new Safari 5.1 extension[/url]" section in the User Guide:

    [indent]Restart Safari: To start Safari with a clean slate, [b]press Option-Command-Q[/b] to restart Safari. You will lose all your open windows and tabs so bookmark any as necessary[/indent]

    Note that rather than simply pressing Command-Q, you will need to press Option-Command-Q (or hold down the Option key while selecting "Quit and Discard Windows" from Safari's application menu). This, in combination with opening and unlocking the main 1Password application during the initial extension installation should get you up and running without trouble.

    Please let me know if you are having any other trouble.

    We are always here to help!