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which version to use for Safari 5.0.5 and 10.6.8?

beachcomber Junior Member
Release notes do not make it clear whether latest 1PW versions are completely compatible with older versions of Safari and Dropbox. When your updater tells me there is a new version to download, can I take that as a reliable indicator that your new version will work with my various installed apps (particularly Safari and Dropbox)?

I am running 10.6.8 (without the latest apple additional correction because of the hosts file problem it has reportedly introduced) on my Mini. I have Safari 5.0.5 and do not plan to upgrade to 5.1 and os 10.7 for a while.

Currently I am using 1Password 3.5.9 with dropbox 1.1.35

1. Should I upgrade 1PW on the mini or stick with the current 3.5.9?

All my 4 other macs use 10.5.8 and are going to stay that way. My iPhone and iPad2 (both iOS 4.3.3) are also synching with Dropbox but recently had problems. They both lost the dropbox connection and it took me a couple of weeks to realize things were not synching. I have corrected this now but there were a lot of conflicts to be resolved.

2. Is there a simple way to know that dropbox syncs with my various 1PW installations are routinely working? Could you add some sort of flag to alert me?


  • jpgoldberg
    jpgoldberg Agile Customer Care
    Our most recent versions of 1Password (3.6.5) and our latest Beta (3.7.0-Beta) work just fine on Snow Leopard (Mac OS X 10.6) and Safari 5.0. So if you are on Snow Leopard you can and should continue to upgrade 1Password.

    Leopard (OS X 10.5) users need to stay with 1Password 3.5. Roughly speaking (though don't hold me to this) any particular version of 1Password works on two OS X versions. 1Password 3.5 is Leopard and Snow Leopard. 1Password 3.6 and 3.7 are Snow Leopard and Lion. 1Password 2.9 is Tiger and Leopard (though with many limitations it can work on SL).

    1Password 3.6 and above detect whether you are using Safari 5.0 or Safari 5.1 and will try to install the appropriate extension. I'm using 1Password 3.7.0-BETA2 on Snow Leopard with Safari 5.0.5 as I write this. (I also have another machine running Lion at hand.)

    I'm not sure why Dropbox syncing stopped for you among certain machines, but if you switched to the Beta version of Dropbox at some point you need to make sure it is at least 1.2.4 and that you have at least 1Password 3.5.12 on your Leopard systems. Note that Dropbox doesn't do automatic updates for Beta users. So you need to check the [url=""]Dropbox forum[/url] for information about getting the latest version.

    In 1Password in the iOS apps you can go to (More ...) > Settings > Sync > Dropbox and take a look at the last sync time, which should be displayed. In 1Password 3, if you go to Sync in the sidebar on the left and then click on Dropbox, you will see the status of Dropbox syncing:


    I hope this helps.


  • beachcomber
    beachcomber Junior Member
    I appreciate the advice. It clarifies the options and the path I need to take.

    One question; you refer to Dropbox 1.2.4. My mac has 1.1.35 and claims to be the latest version on their website.

    And where is 1PW 3.5.12
  • jpgoldberg
    jpgoldberg Agile Customer Care
    [quote name='beachcomber' timestamp='1311976325' post='34997']

    One question; you refer to Dropbox 1.2.4. My mac has 1.1.35 and claims to be the latest version on their website.


    The Dropbox Beta versions (they call them "Forum Builds" for those who read the Dropbox forums, are linked to only from the [url=""]Dropbox Forums[/url]. I believe the latest "Forum Build" of Dropbox is 1.2.18.


    And where is 1PW 3.5.12


    That's two questions, but I suppose I have to let you get away with that. You can always get current and previous versions from

    Where you can pick up 3.5.13, the most recent version if the 3.5 series for Leopard. This was released just for Leopard users. See

    for our announcement about it.

