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Autosave and Logins

Sorry to copy and paste this from another thread, but the other thread was locked, so I am unable to respond to the replies:


2) The less friendly, slower, and weirdly animated 'save password' overlay[/quote]

If you have the 1P toolbar button in place, there is a popover just like the new Downloads button in Lion. The overlay is only a fallback if you have removed the button from the toolbar.[/quote]

I have the 1P toolbar button in place, but still whenever I enter a new (or sometimes not new) login, the overlay wiggles down onto the screen.


4) The loss of the 'save last generated password' functionality[/quote]

Perhaps you mean, "FIll Last Generated Password". This is available in the Password Generator by clicking the "View Password History" button at the bottom of the extension popover. Simply click the password in the list that you want to fill.[/quote]

That is what I mean. I thought "View Password History" may be the place for this, however this list is always completely empty for me, so not a great deal of help.


6) 4 and 5 combine to mean that after creating a new login, or changing a password, and 1password failing to offer to save it, you then have no way to get back the generated password[/quote]

While the issue is present, you can sort the Generated Passwords section in the main application by date created to easily retrieve the latest password you generated. Again, we are working to improve this.[/quote]

OK, that'll be shooting in the dark a little, but better than nothing.


7) Fewer login pages seem to work/be supported than before[/quote]

If you have specific URLs that would be helpful. We can only help if where know where the problem is. We would love to get the issues resolved for you, though. Help us help you. [/quote]

I'll try and note some down. & http://<subdomain*>/ don't work (off the top of my head), but I think they didn't work previously (which is why I remember them better)

* (you can try slash7 as a sample sub domain)

Other replies were that problems were known, and being worked on - thanks for that (I couldn't keep those quotes in, as it exceeded the limit)


  • I should add that I use 1Password on 3 different machines (I have the Family licence), and the issues are the same on all three.
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Thanks for starting this new thread, lukens! It is much easier to give individual attention when threads are more focused. I apologize for the delay in my reply. We have been quite a bit busier since Lion was released (as you might have noticed). We normally reply within 24 hours (and often within 12).

    Could you please try the new Beta release (3.7.1.BETA-2) and see if it fixes some of the issues? You can do this by going to the 1Password > Preferences window, selecting the Update panel, enable the "Include Beta versions" checkbox, and then click Check Now. Once the update is installed, try again and see if it helps.

    [quote]I have the 1P toolbar button in place, but still whenever I enter a new (or sometimes not new) login, the overlay wiggles down onto the screen.[/quote]

    Are you referring to the autosave bar?


    You can toggle this in the extension on the Settings tab if you would prefer not to be prompted to save new logins.


    [quote]That is what I mean. I thought "View Password History" may be the place for this, however this list is always completely empty for me, so not a great deal of help.[/quote]

    There was an issue in an earlier version of the extension which did not include the title or URL for generated password items. Therefore, nothing was being matched for the current domain (since it was empty in the generated password item). This has been fixed and should be working properly in the latest version.

    The Freckle login appears to be working well for me with the latest version of 1Password (3.7.1.BETA-2) and the Safari extension (3.7.b7). If you are still having trouble with it, please try saving a new Login in order to allow 1Password to "relearn" the Login field names, etc. [url=""]This is described in the User Guide.[/url]

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.

  • The new extension UI is a definite improvement. Could still be better.

    If I switch the auto-save bar off, will I still be able to save a login *after* submitting? I don't like to save them before (especially as you can't replace them through the browser extension), in case I get them wrong.

    letsfreckle now seems to submit the form (which I think it wasn't doing before), but is only entering my password, and not my email address. When I enter my email address, then login with 1password it works, but doesn't offer an autosave prompt (I've not disabled it), so I am not able to save the email+password combination. What I used to do in such a situation was to use the plugin option that allowed you to fill the password without submitting it, and then use the save+replace option, however both these seem to be features missing from the extension, so I guess I will have to get my password from the password app and paste it in and the save the login, and then delete the old version of the login, or something like that.
  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    Hi Lukens,

    We’re still working on more improvements, so I’m glad to hear that it is a definite improvement from the previous version.

    [quote name='lukens' timestamp='1312227595' post='35708']If I switch the auto-save bar off, will I still be able to save a login *after* submitting? I don't like to save them before (especially as you can't replace them through the browser extension), in case I get them wrong.[/quote]Do you mean turning off the auto-save functionality globally or pressing the ‘x’ button on the auto-save bar? If you press the ‘x’ button to close it, 1Password will continue to auto-save for you again. We’re working on bringing back the support for [i]“avoid auto-save on those sites”[/i], so that you can ask 1Password to never prompt you again for specific sites.

    [quote name='lukens' timestamp='1312227595' post='35708']

    The new extension UI is a definite improvement. Could still be better.

    If I switch the auto-save bar off, will I still be able to save a login *after* submitting? I don't like to save them before (especially as you can't replace them through the browser extension), in case I get them wrong.

    letsfreckle now seems to submit the form (which I think it wasn't doing before), but is only entering my password, and not my email address. When I enter my email address, then login with 1password it works, but doesn't offer an autosave prompt (I've not disabled it), so I am not able to save the email+password combination. What I used to do in such a situation was to use the plugin option that allowed you to fill the password without submitting it, and then use the save+replace option, however both these seem to be features missing from the extension, so I guess I will have to get my password from the password app and paste it in and the save the login, and then delete the old version of the login, or something like that.

    [/quote]The option to ’save login’ is not yet in the current extension version, we’re working on bringing it back as soon as possible. Once we bring that back, you’ll be able to use it to save a Login manually without relying on the auto-save option.

    If 1Password detects the same password as the other logins, it won’t prompt to save a new login for you. Saving a new login manually will let you use another Login with a different name and the same password.

    What you can do now is copy the password in the main 1Password app, delete the entry and then go to the site to try the auto-save function again with both the email address and password filled in.