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Add a field

I have 1 password for my Windows 7 desktop, on my iPad and my Android phone.

The Identities section on both my iPad and my Android include a "Notes" section.

This is not in the Windows 7 version.

Is there a way to add this field so sync'ing is equal for all field?

Thank you in advance



  • Jackie, welcome to the forum!

    There isn't a way for you to add a field, but we can look into displaying the Notes field in Identity items.

    It's there, as you mention, in our other 1Password products—it's just not displayed in 1Password for Windows, for some reason.

    Thanks for mentioning it!
  • I would really like the "NOTES" field added to Windows. Why can it not be added? Display from other devices makes it a pain when adding new identities.
  • Welcome to the forum, wbholmesx!

    I believe Identity items are the only ones that do not include a Notes field. We're aware that many folks would like to see Identity items have a Notes field, too. We'll need to coordinate that addition among all our products, so it's a little harder than just adding it to 1Password for Windows.

    Thanks for your patience.