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Feature Request: Custom support for importing SplashID data

I have 200+ software keys in SplashID. I really like 1Password and I'm willing to buy it on the supposed "future" support of being able to import data other than just logins, but I'd like to know if that will really ever happen. I don't have a Mac I can borrow to use the dropbox conversion method, nor would I buy a Mac license even if I did just to import the data.

So is having the same file import support as the Mac in the Windows version even on the list?


  • DBrown
    edited August 2011
    Welcome to the forum, gbronzer!

    The problem is that 1Password for Windows currently imports only Login items (except in our own 1Password Interchange Format).

    We certainly intend to broaden our import capabilities at some point, but the list of things we want and need to do is very long, and we are but a small (though intrepid!) team.

    I'm sorry I don't have a more satisfying answer for you at this time.

    [quote]I don't have a Mac I can borrow to use the dropbox [s][color=red]conversion[/color][/s][color=blue]sync[/color] method, nor would I buy a Mac license even if I did just to import the data.


    If you did have access to a Mac, even temporarily, you could use the free demo version of 1Password for Mac to do the import. Then you could use either Dropbox sync, 1PIF export and import, or even a removable USB "stick" to get the data to your PC.

    I don't offer this information as an excuse for our weak import feature in 1Password for Windows, but in hopes that it might be useful to you or someone else.

    We apologize for the inconvenience, gbronzer, and thank you for your patience.
  • Is there any documentation of the 1PIF format? I'm a developer and used to writing file converters. It doesn't look terribly complicated but it does seem to use GUIDs or a type of unique id for entries, and I'd need to understand those to create my own file converter.
  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    Hi gbronzer,

    We don’t have a specific documentation for the public but you should be able to look at our 1PasswordAnywhere (1Password.html in your 1Password.agilekeychain folder) as the starting guide to understanding our 1PIF format, it is like our open source implementation of 1Password, only it is in the HTML/Javascript form.

    I hope that helps.
  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    the GUID is a constant that separates the records
  • gbronzer
    edited August 2011
    Thanks, that plus the HTML sample should get me started. I'll see what I can come up with.
  • brenty
    edited August 2011
    That's awesome, gbronzer! Please let us know how it goes. I know there have been efforts in the past, but the many differences between 1Password and SplashID data formats has been an obstacle to getting the data migrated into a useful, usable state. Getting it there is the easy part. Having the fields and types (especially those that don't have counterparts on both sides) is trickier.[img][/img]
  • gbronzer
    edited August 2011
    Unfortunately, it looks like it's a waste of time. I ran a simple manual test and discovered that the Windows version will only import logins even if the import file is in 1PIF format. You can verify this easily, just create a couple "Software" entries. Export them in 1PIF format. Delete them. Then try to import the file you just exported. It'll say you imported 0 logins and completely ignores everything else. So even if I wrote a converter, it wouldn't help me import anything.
  • DBrown
    edited August 2011
    I apologize for misleading you about importing non-Login items in a 1PIF export file, gbronzer.

    I'll certainly take your word that it didn't work for you, but I would've sworn it imported non-Login items, too, when I wrote the user's guide topic on importing data.

    I'm not sure whether it's a degradation of the feature or a mistake on my part. I'll look into it and make sure the documentation is correct.
  • DBrown
    edited August 2011
    Confirmed: 1Password for Windows imports only Login items, even from 1PIF export files.

    I'll make sure the user's guide reflects that clearly, right away.
  • Updated [i][url=""]How do I import data into 1Password for Windows?[/url][/i] should be available online soon.
  • It has been awhile since this topc has been updated.

    I am considering 1Password as a purchase as well, as I am using SplashID and the Splashdata folks are slow to implement anything it appears.. No sync to any cloud service.

    However, I have 2 questions....

    1 - Has the Splash ID importer to WIndows version ever been fixed.. or is there a way to do it?

    2 - I also use SignupSheild for web passwords which automatically fills passwords. From what I understand 1Password will not AUTOMATICALLY fill passwords on any browser. Is this correct? (Sorry I know that is off topic).

    Thanks for your help!

  • Mike, welcome to the forum!

    There is no SplashID importer in 1Password for Windows. As documented in [i][url=""]How do I import data into 1Password for Windows?[/url][/i] in the [i]FAQ[/i] section of the user's guide, you can import Login items stored in a comma- or tab-delimited text file, in a Roboform "print-to-HTML" file, or in a 1Password Interchange Format file.

    As for your other question, please see [i][url=""]Using a saved Login item[/url][/i] in the [i]Tutorials[/i] section and [i][url=""]Can 1Password automatically detect a form and fill it for me?[/url][/i] in the [i]FAQ[/i] section.
  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    [quote name='Mike Abrams' timestamp='1327205086' post='57605']

    1 - Has the Splash ID importer to WIndows version ever been fixed.. or is there a way to do it?


    There is no SplashID importer in 1Password for Windows yet, but if someone could send me a sample of what SplashID is exporting, then I would love to take a look at it.

    [quote name='Mike Abrams' timestamp='1327205086' post='57605']

    2 - I also use SignupSheild for web passwords which automatically fills passwords. From what I understand 1Password will not AUTOMATICALLY fill passwords on any browser. Is this correct? (Sorry I know that is off topic).


    I'm afraid this assumption is incorrect. 1Password DOES automatically fill passwords in your browsers. We provide browser extensions for Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Google Chrome, and Apple Safari.
  • DBrown
    edited January 2012
    [quote name='Stefan von Dutch' timestamp='1327331438' post='57642']

    [quote name='Mike Abrams' timestamp='1327205086' post='57605']

    From what I understand 1Password will not AUTOMATICALLY fill passwords on any browser.


    1Password DOES automatically fill passwords in your browsers.


    By "automatically," I assume Mike is asking about an ability to automatically detect when he lands on a page for which he has previously saved a Login in 1Password and fill the login form with that saved information.

    As documented in the articles I linked in my reply, 1Password does not include that feature. Simply viewing such a page is not sufficient to trigger a form-fill action; you have to "tell" 1Password that you want it to fill the form.
  • Stefan von Dutch
    Stefan von Dutch Community Moderator
    edited January 2012
    It requires at least a mouse-click or a keystroke (Ctrl+\), but then everything happens automatically.
  • DBrown
    edited January 2012
    Yup, those are among the ways you "tell" 1Password you want it to fill (and optionally submit) the form.