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Auto Submit leads to error

<div class="IPBDescription">since upgrade to 3.6</div>Hi,

I have been using 1Password for years and have come to totally depend on it. It worked so well I almost forgot it was there!

Then I updated to version 3.6 and since then none of my logins work any more. Just now I found out that if I disable the auto-submit function and press the submit button manually, the login works. But before that update it worked in the auto-mode as well. What can I do?




  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    Hi Rainer, I'm sorry for the trouble you had.

    The issue with Autosubmit has been a long battle but we finally finally managed to restore it to its former glory in a recent update.

    Please make sure you have the latest 1Password versions, both in Safari and the main 1Password app.

    Once updated, you should find Autosubmit much more reliable.