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1Password can not automatically log me in several web site

I've got problem on those sites :


  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    Thanks for the list!

    Before testing these and reporting back, I wanted to clarify if the issue is these sites fill your login information but do not automatically submit, or, if the problem is they do not fill at all. If it is the former, we made many improvements to Autosubmit in 1Password 3.7.1 so please verify you have that version.

    Once I get back to my Mac I can verify the links myself, but I wanted to reply as soon as possible.
  • 2stepbay
    2stepbay Junior Member
    I'm using version 3.8 (and extension3.7). Pandora login does not autofill when I select Pandora in my 1P panel. Pandora sign-in is Flash based. Can 1P autofill on Flash sign-in pages?
  • No, 1Password is unable to save and restore logins for sites that use Adobe Flash. As far as we know, no browser password manager anywhere supports Flash-based sites because it is a proprietary solution and does not interface with the browser much at all. In fact, we worked with a Flash consultant and after reviewing the latest APIs provided by Adobe we found it is still not possible unless websites modify their code to allow it.

    Most websites realise the problems with using Flash and provide a standard HTML login page as well. If you search around on their site or contact their support, you will likely find a normal login page that will work correctly. If you cannot find one, the only workaround is to save the username and password in 1Password and copy and paste it whenever you need to log into the site.

    The strange thing is, I thought Pandora had moved to a native HTML 5 site? I'm in the UK so I can't actually test this, but if you right-click on the login fields on the Pandora page do you see any information about Flash being displayed?
  • 2stepbay
    2stepbay Junior Member
    Thanks for the information, Stu.

    Pandora sign-in is unfortunately Flash based. There is no html sign-in.

    Once past the Flash gate, there's an option to use Pandora One, which is the upgraded site.

    I'm going to send a note to Pandora about this situation.

    Is there a 1P option, which flags sign-up pages inaccessible by 1P?
  • Hello 2stepbay,

    Unfortunately, there is not an option to "flag" inaccessible login pages, but I like the idea.

    I've passed along your suggestion to our developers for consideration.

    Thanks for your feedback.

