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What is the 'best practice' for the new UI supposed to be?

So, on the old version, I could just hit the 1P Safari button and select the login I wanted.

Now, I hit the 1P button, put in the master pass, then, my 'logins' section seems to be totally empty, all bar the one I just created for this forum, it has the same icon as the 1Password app's 'Accounts' so is that the same thing, or just the same icon confusingly re-used for something different?

So, now I have to select the 'all logins' almost identical grey keyhole icon as opposed the 'logins' grey keyhole above, so two steps instead of one now, and the default 'launch point has nothing searchable....

If I hit the icon for Credit Cards, and then click to select a card, (like you would with logins) nothing, nix, well in fact worse, it closes the window, so you get to start again, you have to hit the tiny blue arrow on the blue ground, that's right, use of colour but in a way that makes you think the whole area is a target - well, it was for the 'all logins' so why wouldn't it be consistent?

Very annoying. Cleverer perhaps but far worse UI than before.

Sorry, obviously lots of work has gone into these changes, but the eggs seem to have been broken but the omelette not cooked yet.



  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey Stephen,

    Thanks for asking about this. As with the previous extension, you can simply click the 1P toolbar button and then select the Login you need for the page you are currently viewing. This can also be accomplished using the longstanding Command-\ keyboard shortcut just as before.

    To Go & Fill a Login for a site you are not currently viewing, you can click the 1P toolbar button, then the All Logins section, then (optionally type a few characters of the Login title to search for it and then) select the Login to open. This is the same number of "clicks" as the old extension (or less). Also, as before you, can use the Option-Command-\ keyboard shortcut to be taken immediately to the "All Logins" (Go & Fill) section of the extension in one step. This is the same as the old extension as well. [b]New to the Safari 5.1 extension[/b]: you can also use the Tab and Shift-Tab keyboard shortcuts to switch between sections in the extension.

    As always, Credit Cards can only be filled in a form with the appropriate fields. Credit Card items have no URL associated with them, so Go & Fill wouldn't really work in that context.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know if you are still having trouble using the new Safari extension. We are working on a tutorial for the User Guide which may help some folks who are having a hard time finding their way around.
