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Android App Vibrates When Not Running

djshack Junior Member
I'm aware the Android app vibrates upon launch and password request, and personally, I wish there was an option to disable this, as it's completely unnecessary.

However, what really bugs me is that when I either close the app or fully exit it, after a few minutes, my phone vibrates, and I'm fairly positive it's the 1Password app timing out/logging off and re-prompting for the password. I understand why it would do this when I simply back out of it, but when I actually exit it (via confirmation), it should NOT be running in the background, and it should NOT make my phone vibrate.

First, I'd suggest you completely eliminate the needless vibration. It's annoying.

Second, I'd like to make sure that when I back out of the app and it asks me if I want to quit, it actually quits, and is no longer in memory. This is not the case.

Thank you.


  • GeneY
    GeneY AWS Team
    Hello djshack and welcome to the Forum !

    None of 1Password Reader customer commented on vibration on application start-up, however,

    if phone's vibration for less than a 300ms is a serious issue for you,

    I will try to eliminate it in a future application releases.

    You may know that Android OS controls all running applications in the device's memory and decides

    which application to terminate depending on available memory. OS may decide to terminate any application,

    running in the background if it sees fit to do so.

    That is why 1Password Reader sometimes vibrates and asks for Master Password even if it was locked with a PIN (when a new

    application instance is created)

    When you explicitly exit 1Password Reader, it should be removed from memory completely.

    1Password Reader asks Android OS to kill it is own process and OS complies with the request nicely.

    I did a thorough testing on my Nexus One phone, and the application is completely removed from memory on exit ( at least in rel 1.8.1).

    Please let me know if you need more information, I will be glad to assist you further.

    Best regards,


    Android developer <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/rolleyes.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':rolleyes:' />

    [quote name='djshack' timestamp='1312391003' post='36444']

    I'm aware the Android app vibrates upon launch and password request, and personally, I wish there was an option to disable this, as it's completely unnecessary.

    However, what really bugs me is that when I either close the app or fully exit it, after a few minutes, my phone vibrates, and I'm fairly positive it's the 1Password app timing out/logging off and re-prompting for the password. I understand why it would do this when I simply back out of it, but when I actually exit it (via confirmation), it should NOT be running in the background, and it should NOT make my phone vibrate.

    First, I'd suggest you completely eliminate the needless vibration. It's annoying.

    Second, I'd like to make sure that when I back out of the app and it asks me if I want to quit, it actually quits, and is no longer in memory. This is not the case.

    Thank you.
