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No longer have 1Password available in Camino!

edited August 2011 in Mac
Though I have and use Safari (up to date) I use Camino 2.0.7 as my main browser of preference. I have use 1password with it from the get go and now it wont load the extension with this upgrade of 1Password 3.6.5.

I tried the suggested fix of removing extensions (would not remove from Safari) and the rest of the list:

[quote]After updating 1Password, the 1Password button disappears from all browsers. The following instructions should resolve this issue, please do them in the specific order as laid out here:

Close all web browsers, open 1Password and go to the Help Menu > Troubleshooting > Reset Folder Permissions.

Uninstall all the extensions for the browsers by going to the 1Password Menu > Preferences > Browsers and press “Remove All Extensions”. Verify that all extensions are not installed by opening Safari and Firefox and then close them.

To make sure there are no lingering old extension code running around, please log out and log back in to clean out your session or you can simply restart the Mac.

Install the extensions by opening 1Password and go to the 1Password Menu > Preferences > Browsers, press the Install all Extensions.

The 1Password button should now appear in all of the browsers.[/quote]

But with out any luck.

I would still love to use 1Password with Camino, again. I am on a 15" MacBook running 10.6.8.



  • [Deleted User]
    edited August 2011
    Hi Don,

    I'm sorry for the trouble, but the latest version of 1Password does not support any version of Camino. 1Password 3.5 was the latest version of 1Password that worked with Camino.

    We made the difficult decision to remove the Camino extension going forward because of several reasons. First, the future of Camino is uncertain, as can be seen on the Camino blog <>:

    "Beyond that, the future is unclear. As a purely community-based open source project, no one is employed to work on Camino; all Camino developers are volunteers, working on Camino in their spare time, as a labor of love. While maintaining embedding in a fork of Gecko is theoretically possible, we don’t have the manpower for a sustained effort of that kind."

    In addition to this, Apple has made some changes in OS X 10.7 (Lion) that will prevent 1Password from supporting Camino. These issues combined with other technical issues caused us to make the hard decision to remove the Camino extension completely.

    Not only is Camino's future development uncertain, but the niche it once filled is getting smaller. Camino was the bee's knees when Safari was not very powerful and Firefox was not very Mac-like but the landscape has changed significantly since then. Firefox has gotten more Mac-like and Safari and Chrome have added more power, so between the two, Camino users should be able to find a comfortable home with one of those other browsers.

    If you'd still like to use Camino and 1Password together, you can downgrade to 1Password 3.5 (note: 3.5 is not compatible with OS X 10.7 Lion or Safari 5.1 in Snow Leopard). Please see this help guide for more details:


    Sorry I don't have a better answer, but I hope that helps explain things.
  • DonRicklin
    edited August 2011
    I am very sad to hear, this as, for me, Camino has a better feature set and usability on many levels for regular use than safari.

    Of course since I do use Safari, as well, I can still take advantage of the integration for certain things. I do, also use 1Password for iTouch, too.

    Thanks for the thorough reply.

  • Hey Don,

    On behalf of Stu, you are very welcome!

    I used Camino in the past too, and I understand your sentiments. It is sad to see an old friend slip into the past.

    However, I am glad that you also use Safari and will be able to use 1P's integration when needed.


  • This is most unfortunate. What can you recommend as the most efficient browser available the will continue to be supported by 1P?

    I've no interest in social networking(data mining), news feeds, advertising, or all the other bloat and clutter that fills most browsers these days. Just need a browser, and Camino has worked well for many years.

    As I don't plan on upgrading to Lion, are there any caveats in reverting to 3.5?

  • [quote name='spirotagnew' timestamp='1312927763' post='38125']

    This is most unfortunate. What can you recommend as the most efficient browser available the will continue to be supported by 1P?[/quote]

    Personally, I'd recommend either Safari or Chrome, both of which do not have ads (unless they're ads on the site you're visiting) and don't have any form of built-in social networking. Both will be very much supported by 1Password going forward, as is Firefox as it happens.

    [quote]As I don't plan on upgrading to Lion[/quote]

    Not upgrading to Lion is absolutely fine, but please do make sure you're using the latest patched version of Snow Leopard. Apple tend to provide security patches for the latest 2 versions of OS X, in this case Lion and Snow Leopard, and so you'll be up-to-date and secure until 10.8 is eventually released.
  • Thanks. Guess I'll start using Safari when or if Camino joins the Dodo.

    As Lion seems to be tilted more towards the cloud and smartphone crowd, as opposed to improving serious work performance, will just stay with 10.6.8 and see how things shake out. My current setup is fast enough for my purposes, so it will take major hardware/software improvements to justify an upgrade. I do due diligence as far as keeping up with the update curve. That's why I'm here.

  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Glad to hear it, spirotagnew! I have been extremely impressed with the speed and stability of Safari 5.1. It brought me back from being a Chrome user for a while. I've never cared much for Firefox myself since it is not very Mac-like in my opinion, but I know a lot of the extensions available for it are essential to the workflows of some folks.

    I am in love with Lion and Snow Leopard feels slow and visually "heavy" to me now, but there is no rush. Better safe than sorry. (In fact, there is still one application that isn't quite working properly for me in Lion, so I do need to boot into Snow Leopard once a week until it is fixed.) No rush indeed. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_smile.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':-)' />

  • benfdc
    benfdc Perspective Giving Member
    [color=#000000][font=Times][size=1]Major bummer. I had noticed that the 1P button in Camino seemed to have gone away, but I didn't really focus on it until I took a good look at the Browser preferences in the 3.8 beta. [/size][/font][/color]

    Now 40% of my browsers are unsupported by 1P/Mac (I also run Opera). Perhaps this decision can be revisited when Camino 2.1 gets its formal launch, but I rather suspect that the more likely outcome is that Camino 2.1 will break 1P/Mac 3.5.

    Either way, looks like it's time to install the LastPass extension in Camino. I continue to greatly prefer 1P/Mac to LastPass when I have a choice, but the number of logon passwords that I maintain in my LastPass vault as well as my 1Password keychain is steadily increasing.
  • Camino 2.1 looks like just a maintenance release to bring the embedded Gecko engine up to the same level as Firefox 3.6, it doesn't seem to add any new features and more importantly it still doesn't have a rich extensions framework like Safari, Chrome and Firefox do. Our old method of integration with Camino was cumbersome and required a lot of code, hence why it was eventually removed.

    Opera, on the other hand, does have this framework, and while we're not actively looking into it at the moment the transition work we're doing to bring the new Safari extension to Firefox and Chrome may indeed pave the way to support Opera in the future, the same would likely be the case for other browsers that have implemented a rich JavaScript based extensions API.

    I'm sorry you have to have two password manager solutions at the moment, we'd love to be able to change that and support all browsers, but there are only so many hours in the day and our developers want to focus their resources wisely.
  • benfdc
    benfdc Perspective Giving Member
    I fully understand the need to focus resources, which is why I was surprised (in a good way) to see FF5 support added to 1P/Mac 3.5. Of course FF6 is heading our way . . . .

    Meanwhile, I can't get LastPass working with Camino either. It's looking like that dog ain't a-gonna hunt much longer.
  • Well, you know we're already ready for Firefox 6 here, the first version of Firefox to get our new extension too, which we're really excited about. No more 'Do this in Firefox and do this in Safari' type instructions is a day I've been waiting for for a long time.

    I have to say it'll be sad to see Camino go, I think they're in a difficult situation though, not being able to use the latest Gecko engine is a big challenge. Some suggest they should move to WebKit, maybe basing Camino 3.0 on Chromium, but I guess that stops Camino being a Firefox alternative. The advantage for us, if they moved to Chromium, would be that you could just install our Chrome extension into Camino, just like you can with Rockmelt and many other Chromium browsers.
  • God, I thought I was going crazy! Suddenly I realized that 1Password was not opening up in Camino, and now I understand why. But I wish you guys would have warned us about this. I don't recall getting any notice about this. We got lots of notices about the bells and whistles you were adding, but you didn't tell us about the bells and whistles YOU WERE TAKING AWAY. That's not exactly cricket, you know.
  • We did mention the fact that Camino support was being removed very clearly in the [url=""]release notes for 1Password 3.6.0[/url] which are displayed as part of the update notification:

    [quote]1Password 3.6 adds support for OS X 10.7 (Lion) and Firefox 5, replacing OS X 10.5 (Leopard) and Firefox 3 support. Users wishing to use Leopard, Firefox 3, [b]Camino 2[/b], or Flock are encouraged to stick with 1Password 3.5.9.[/quote]

    While we have no plans to support Camino in its current form going forward, if Camino evolves to include a true extensions framework like the one found in Firefox 6, Safari 5.1 and Google Chrome then we can certainly consider support again, that said given that Mozilla no longer allow embedding of the Gecko rendering engine, Camino's future is, sadly, very uncertain.
  • Please support Opera soon!
  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Thanks for the suggestion Eddie. We'd like to!
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