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Can't see any stored items under Lion

Hi there,

yesterday I started my Mac with a clean install of OSX Lion. After installing 1password (latest stable version) and started it, it told me that it has found my keychain in my dropbox folder and asked me wether I want to use it or not. I answered: yes, I will...

Now I can't see any stored items in 1password. However I just added a new item and it seemed as if it was saved. In the main window I can only see the helping bubles.

I've now updated to version 3.7.2.BETA-2 (build 31094) but nothing changes. I also tried to restore right, rebuild database, ... but nothing changes. Even if I start with a brand ne empty database and restore contents from backup - I can't see anything... In an empty database with new items created, everything seem to work properly.

I would be very glad if you could help me...

Regards, Patrick


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi Patrick,

    Welcome to the forums. Sorry for the delayed answer.

    Could you please take a screenshot of the problem so we can see what you are describing? You can then attach it in a reply to this post. Alternatively, you can email it to with a link to this thread.

