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Encrypted Volume in Vault list

jbakker Junior Member
I do have a volume that is encrypted with Knox.

My problem is that the volume disappears from the Vault list in the Knox menu when it is being unmounted.

To mount this volume again I have first to activate it with the OSX Disk utility before Knox recognize it again and pop-ups with a password prompt

I would expect that Knox would help me out here and make it easy for me to access my encypted Volumes.

Is there a way to keep the volume in the drop down menu so I can quickly mount it again?


  • MikeT
    MikeT Agile Samurai
    Hi jbakker,

    This is strange. When you’re talking about the vault list, you’re talking about the list when you click on the Dock icon, right? Can you click on Knox, go to its Preferences > Vaults and drag your vault into this list. After that, it should remain on the vaults list after you unmount the vault.

    Please let me know if that helps.
  • jbakker
    jbakker Junior Member
    edited August 2011
    That doesn't work. As soon I unmount a Knox encrypted volume it is removed from the list in the dock and from the preferences. The only way to get it back is to mount the volume through the disk utility.

    For normal file vaults it works and they are kept in the Vault list, but this doesn't work for Knox encrypted volumes.
  • [Deleted User]
    edited August 2011
    Hey jbakker,

    Your issue is strange indeed, and I would love to find out what is going on here.

    Just to ensure we're comparing oranges-to-oranges (didn't want to use "Apples"), I tested using the following:

    Lion: 10.7 (Build 11A511)

    Knox: 2.1.5 (155)

    In addition to using Knox vaults created before Lion, I created new vaults using Knox and the Disk Utility. I tried everything I could think of, but I wasn't able to replicate your issue.

    If you are running the latest version of Knox, and you are still having the issue you described, then to help diagnose this issue, I will need to see some of your log files to see what's happening.

    Please send an e-mail to and attach the following file:


    For some users, this file may not exist. Don't be alarmed if that's your situation as well.

    I'll also need to look at the other logs in the while you attempt to reproduce the problem with Knox. You can get these logs as follows:

    1. Launch which can be found in the /Applications/Utilities folder.

    2. Click the "Clear Display" button on the toolbar.

    3. Launch Knox and reproduce the problem. Then wait 15 seconds to let the Console refresh.

    4. Press Command-A to select all the logs and Command-C to copy them to your clipboard.

    5. After starting a reply to this email, press Command-V to paste the logs.

    In your e-mail, please paste the link to this thread so that we may more quickly match the files to your specific issue.

    I look forward to reviewing the logs and attempting to solve this mystery!


  • jbakker
    jbakker Junior Member
    [quote name='bswins' timestamp='1312727168' post='37457']

    Hey jbakker,

    Your issue is strange indeed, and I would love to find out what is going on here.

    Just to ensure we're comparing oranges-to-oranges (didn't want to use "Apples"), I tested using the following:

    Lion: 10.7 (Build 11A511)

    Knox: 2.1.5 (155)


    I' ve just send a mail to support with all the information. We are talking about the same software level.

    My drive is an external WD Mybook 2TB with a fully encrypted volume.

    I hope that the error is not between my chair and iMac. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/skype_wink.png' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';-)' />

    But seems that Knox does not really recognize my vault correctly.

    I will try to test it here also with another volume.
  • [Deleted User]
    edited August 2011

    Just a quick note to confirm that we received your knox.log and the two screen shots. Thanks for sending. Will reply to your e-mail once we've had a chance to review.

    I hope the issue isn't between your chair and your iMac either. I know that's the usual explanation whenever I have a problem. <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />

    Be in touch soon.
