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Team feature/sharing


are there any plans on supporting collaboration with 1Password? We are all users in our team and it would be great to be able to share a part of the Vault with other members (shared logins for development websites and generated passwords).

Or is it possible to easily switch between vaults? Or access one in Chrome and another in Firefox?

The 1password anywhere is not really a simple enough solution.



  • jpgoldberg
    jpgoldberg Agile Customer Care
    [quote name='zard' timestamp='1312585247' post='37085']

    are there any plans on supporting collaboration with 1Password?


    That would be telling!

    [quote]We are all users in our team and it would be great to be able to share a part of the Vault with other members (shared logins for development websites and generated passwords).[/quote]

    There are a couple of ways to do this, but they are really ugly. One is to switch datafiles. You will each need your own Dropbox account, but you could put the shared datafile in a shared folder. You may find you need to relaunch your browsers after switching keychains, and you may need to run Help > Troubleshooting > Restart Agent from the 1Password menubar. This isn't something we actively support, but some users have reported success with it.

    Another option, what my wife and I do, is we each have a folder within our 1Password data for things that we share. Everyone now and then one of us will select on the items in that folder and File > Export Selected as 1Password Interchange Format (1pif). Then the other will import that 1pif. This works well when we aren't really making changes frequently, are only two of us, and we have a secure way to transfer the 1pif files. Note that 1pif files are [i]not[/i] encrypted. All your passwords and such are readable in those files, so you need a secure way to transfer them and then erase them once you are done.


    The 1password anywhere is not really a simple enough solution.


    I hadn't though of that. I will have to add that to my repertoire of ugly work-arounds until such time that we have nicer solution for everyone.

    I hope that this is of some help.

