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Upgrade to Mac + Windows bundle question

<div class="IPBDescription">Looking at upgrading to Mac+Win Bundle, but confused on pricing</div>Greetings,

I am a new Mac user, but I have been using 1Password for some time.

I was looking at upgrading my license to the Mac+Windows bundle so I can use my license on both computers, however when I enter my information I get the following upgrade options:

1Password Mac + Windows Bundle - $35.99

1Password 3 for Mac - $27.99

Since I already own the Windows license I was expecting that the Mac + Windows bundle would cost less...

Is there any reason not to just buy the 1Password 3 for Mac and save $8?

The end result seems the same to me (1 license for Windows, 1 license for Mac) so I just want to be sure that I am not missing some important detail.

Thanks for your feedback.


  • jpgoldberg
    jpgoldberg Agile Customer Care

    Welcome to the forums and to the Mac.

    It looks like the sale that we have for 1Password3 for Mac ends up as a better deal at the moment for someone in your position than an upgrade to a bundle. There is a minor convenience of having a bundle license (only one license key to keep track of), but other than that, save the $8 and go for the Mac license.

    Again, welcome to the forums. I think you'll find this a great community.


  • Thanks for the advice - I wanted to be sure that I wasn't missing something.

    I went ahead and purchased the Mac version - I am ok with having 2 license keys.

    I appreciate the quick response - Thanks again!
  • MartyS
    MartyS AgileBits Customer Care (retired)
    You are very welcome, and we're here to help with anything we can. We do appreciate your additional purchase! <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/smile.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':)' />