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BIG Thanks to the AgileBits Team

F451 Pretzel Logistician
<div class="IPBDescription">(Never doubted this team for a minute!)</div>Okay, this latest version and extension are working quite well for me.

1P v3.7.5.BETA-3 (build 31103)

1P Safari Extension (beta) 3.7b13

Mac OSX 10.6.8

Safari 5.1

Considering how the majority of available Safari extensions perform simple tasks, it's great to see that a complicated Safari extension like 1P is now performing multiple tasks (isn’t that the definition of multitasking? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/wink.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=';)' /> ) .

Contrary to a lot of the negative threads/posts here, I never doubted for a minute that AgileBits would succeed. Also, I never doubted the complexity of the task at hand for if you read what other developers are undergoing Apple has created a nightmare with Safari 5.1 and its further lockdown on what works with Safari 5.1. So here's some constructive criticism: [b]Keep-up the great work![/b]


  • dteare
    dteare Agile Founder
    Thank you, F451!

    We've been working day and night and weekends. Hearing you and others share kind words like these make it all worthwhile.

    Thanks again!