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iPod Touch <> Dropbox synch is incomplete

eveningclouds Junior Member
Followed instructions to synch iPod Touch with my Mac's Dropbox folder.

It sort of works, sort of not.

1. None of the Identity panel comes to the Touch, and there is not even an Identity tab in the Touch app screen.

2. Wallet synch is incomplete. I've got about 9 items on the Mac 1P, but on 5 show up on Touch.

How do I make the synch complete? <img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/sad.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt=':(' />


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey eveningclouds,

    Sorry for the confusion here. At this time Identities are not supported in 1Password on the iPhone or iPod touch.

    The Wallet items are a bit more of a puzzler, though. Are you certain the Dropbox sync is complete on your Mac? If you duplicate one of the items on your Mac, does the duplicate show up? In 1Password for Mac, select one of the Wallet items that is not showing up on your iPod touch. Click the Edit menu and then select "Duplicate".

    Once Dropbox has finished syncing on your Mac, initiate Dropbox syncing on your iPod touch. Settings > Sync > Dropbox > Sync Now

    Are the items which are not syncing restricted to a certain type (Credit Card, Bank Account, etc.)?

    Please let me know. I'd love to get this resolved for you.
