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Problem with database

AJW Junior Member
<div class="IPBDescription">1Password will not log in</div>I am running a Macbook 5,1 with Lion 10.7, 1Password Version 3.7.5.BETA-3 (build 31103), with Safari Extension 1Password (beta) 3.7.b13 and when I try to log in to a site I get the message "Problem with database" after entering my master password. If I quit using command option Q and restart Safari, go to the same website, it will then open without having to use my master password, it will fill in the login but then sit and spin. I have disabled/enabled the Extension, uninstalled and reinstalled it but no change, cleared the cache, reset Safari, reset PRAM. Any suggestions?


  • Ben
    Ben AWS Team
    Hi AJW,

    Sorry for the delayed reply. This should be fixed in 3.7.5 final. Please let us know how it goes.

    Also: please try reinstalling the Safari extension after updating.

  • I have the same problem... All over sudden I cannot access any website through safari Lion?

    How will this be solved?
  • glewbel
    glewbel Junior Member
    Just chiming in so that it's not viewed as an isolated issue... I have exactly the same problem, and I've never seen it until yesterday. The 1Password browser extension asks to be unlocked with my master password in order to fill in a login or password on a website, but it refuses to accept my master password. Instead, it shows a red warning, "Problem with database" even though things worked perfectly a few minutes previously.

    In case this helps, here's some system info: iMac 27" i5, using Safari 5.1 (6534.50) with Snow Leopard (10.6.<img src='<#EMO_DIR#>/emoticon-0103-cool.gif' class='bbc_emoticon' alt='8)' /> and OnePassword Version 3.7.5 (build 31106).

    Looking forward to a prompt solution...
  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    If you are already using the latest version of 1Password (3.7.5 at the time of this writing) please try restarting the agent ([b]Help > Troubleshooting > Restart Agent[/b]). If that doesn't do the trick, please try [url=""]removing[/url] and then [url=""]reinstalling the 1Password Safari extension[/url].

    Please let me know how it turns out.
