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Knox and FileVault

<div class="IPBDescription">Pros and Cons</div>Could someone provide an explanation of the pros and cons of using FileVault under Lion vs Knox. I have avoided activating FileVault prior to Lion for all of the well known reasons, and have instead been using Knox. FileVault under Lion seems to have been substantially improved and I've activated it on my main computer, seems to run very well without any noticeable impact on performance - and has been more convenient than the constant closing and opening of Knox vaults and having to dig up passwords from 1 Password. Any advice would be appreciated.


  • khad
    khad Social Choreographer
    Hey Jonathan,

    One of the primary benefits of using Knox as opposed to FileVault is the level of fine-grained control it provides. You can encrypt different data with different passwords. FileVault was and remains more of an "all or nothing" solution. You can use Knox in conjunction with FileVault for a "layered" approach to security. If you are logged in to your OS X account FileVault provides essentially no protection since the data it protects needs to be available in its unencrypted form in order for your Mac to function. Knox allows you to store data which is [i]further[/i] encrypted even when FileVault has been unlocked.

    I hope that helps. Please let me know.
